No, it’s Not Okay for Men to Cry!
Actually, I am not really concerned about whether a man can cry or not, of course they can cry! Unless they are not humans. My topic is about the feminisation of men in our society. Which seems to be a growing trend – worryingly so. Perhaps I am the one who is just naïve by seeing things that are not there, however, I would like to continue my nativity because I am definitely convinced that if you were to observe men about 3o years ago, our fathers perhaps, compared to the kind of men that we are raising now, something quite isn’t the same. Those old timers had some manliness about them, some masculinity, which was even evident in the way they dressed themselves. For one, they were not afraid of handwork, they were responsible at home, and they even boasted in their physical fitness.
Thanks to women rights movements, and their feminists friends, women are being elevated and encouraged to have strong wills and self-determination; to “man up” while men are being discouraged from this, instead, they are being encouraged to be as soft as they can be, to be weak, effeminate crybabies. It’s a satanic agenda to weaken men until they are not fighting for nothing and be responsible for nobody. The result is that those men are no longer ashamed, and certainly not bothered to let others do things for them. It is a pampered generation of men and it’s embarrassing.
As soon I say this, one may raise their hand and ask: are you advocating for abusive, toxic, egotistic men that have, for long, harmed our sisters and mothers? My answer: no, I am not. In fact, those kinds of men are not men at all, because to abuse those you are supposed to protect is not manly but cowardice. Such people do that because they have easily succumbed to loneliness, bitterness, low self-esteem and who knows what else. Regardless, we must not use abusive men to reject any kind of manhood. As if feminising them would make them any better. There is something called biblical manhood. I’m sure some of us have never heard of it. That is when a man knows and has embraced the fact that he has been called by God, to protect his wife and children; to feed and clothe them. To abandon all selfish ambitions about himself so as to fight for those under him; to give his life just for this purpose. A man who is prepared to work hard for a living. A man who is responsible in all life matters, including simple things as paying bills on time. A kind of men who are not afraid to plan ahead and to take hard life decisions and be ready to bear the consequences when things don’t go according to plan. All these virtuous things have been abandoned, and sold cheaply to the feminist movement.
Believe it or not, I am not a fan of this emotional talk about today’s men being mentally challenged, therefore, we all have to feel pity for them because they have so many “pressures” of life. Brothers, life is hard for everyone! To wake every morning is to set your self up for mental pressure, physical hardships and everything else under the sun. We can moan about that all day, or we can take our weapons and join the fight. If I may ask, do you want an easy life: where you will get everything you want, when you want it and everything is so soft and everyone is so kind? What kind of world is that?
What we don’t realise is that life is becoming harder by day, therefore, the first thing we need is for men to gird the loins of their minds and become men of integrity, respect and truth. There is no time for all this childish and silliness that we are seeing with the modern generation. By the way, what was God’s plan for Adam in the garden? To lead yes. To take that fearful responsibility of looking after God’s creation, including the wellbeing of those closest to Him. To fail at that, dear Adam, is to fail at everything else in this life. Therefore, hear this good advice, my son: don’t be afraid of being a man, but be proud of it and make good use of it to improve the world around you.
Gentlemen, if we are to see an advancement of this great Gospel, one thing will do: to stop being cry babies and to abandon the entitlement mentality and be ready to fight. To fight the devil and the lies of this world. To fight for the future of our wives and children, yes, to sacrifice our lives for the Gospel of this great salvation. May we live once and live to be such kind of men. Away with feminism, no, it’s not okay for men to cry!
Sinothi Ncube
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