Do You Really Understand What Is The Gospel?

It is a sad thing that many of us have been to many churches many times and we have heard a lot of talk about something called the Gospel yet even today we cannot explain what this Gospel is;
 Just what is the Gospel? 

A simple definition of the Gospel says that the Gospel is the Good News that tells us about the God who loved us so much that He gave us Christ Jesus as a sacrifice on the Cross so that we may be saved from the condemnation we deserved because of our wickedness.

This Good News is likened to a person who is drowning in dirty water, then someone comes and freely rescues him. Me and you are the ones drowning in the dirty waters of sin and we desperately need rescue or we will die in our sins. Some people do not believe that they are sinners before God or at least imagine themselves to have done relatively small sins that will be just ignored in the end. It's all because we justify ourselves by comparing ourselves with other humans, however, if we are to compare ourselves with the perfect righteousness of the Almighty King; we all fall short. The Bible says, "All have sinned, there is none who does good (Psa 14:3)". There is more sin in our hearts than what we display outside (Ecle 9:3). 

The justice of God means that sin has its wages; which is death and hell. The goodnews however is that God is loving, patient and kind. That love was fully demonstrated when He came down &humbled Himself into a human (Rom 5:8, Joh 1:1;14) He lived a sinless perfect life until He went to the Cross, where He was bruised, crucified  and died for our sins. He, who knew no sin became sin for us on the Cross so that we can have the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21). 

The wages of sin is death, therefore Jesus took the punishment that our sins deserved (Rom 6:23). This Jesus, therefore, is the only Way to God (Joh 14:6, Act 4:12) You cannot enter heaven by your works because your good works cannot save you (Eph 2:8, Tit 3:5). Yes, not even your Pastor, Prophet, or even Mary can wash your sins. It's Christ alone! 

Others imagine that their church attendance or some tithe money given to the church will buy them enough grace. Sorry friend, grace is free! In fact, you don't have enough money to quench the fierce anger of God against your evil heart. You simply need to look upon Christ on the Cross and you will live. As we mentioned above that me and you are like a drowning person who cannot save himself by even trying to swim. You need only to receive the hand of the One who is rescuing you. That is called faith in Christ.

Believe on the works of Jesus on the Cross for your salvation. It doesn't matter who you are, or what BIG sins you did. You can be forgiven through Christ. His grace is bigger than your sins.

If you truly believe in Christ as you say, then there must be evidence of a changed lifestyle. If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creature (2 Cor 5:17). If there is no evidence of good fruit in your life then you are not saved; examine your Christianity; test yourself to see whether you are in the faith (2 Cor 13:5). If not, then start afresh.

Repent of your sins and believe; you will be saved. Do not miss this GREAT SALVATION! Death is coming... in fact, all of us have got plans for the future yet we have no power to keep ourselves breathing for the next five minutes. Anytime, anywhere your life may matter what goods and achievements you might have amassed on this earth; it will all be left behind.

If you ever die with unforgiven sins, you will be indeed thrown in the lake that burns with Fire &Brimstone (Rev 20:15). I mean surely, if you can afford to prepare for your funeral insurance can you not also prepare for your eternal insurance? Please get right with God while there is still time. There won't be a time of salvation on your deathbed!
Isaiah 55:6-7 Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.

Sinothi Ncube 

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