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Saved From What?

The word salvation is no doubt a famous word in the Christian Faith, but I am sure that there are many who (like me) have never stopped to ponder as to what really are we saved from.
The modern church has in my opinion lost the true reason of salvation. People are now told to come to Jesus and they would have happy lives, get new jobs, worldly success, marriages and overcome sicknesses. While it is a good thing that people get all these things, it was never the reason and purpose of salvation. Why? Because you can still get these things from the world using worldly means without ever coming to church, can you not? Don’t we have many healthy, successful, happily married individuals who have never heard about Jesus – Including anti-christian people like Muslims and Atheists? The issue about being saved therefore is about something more than bodily enhancement. But, what is it? What are we saved from? 

To get the answer we must ask ourselves again, what is the number one problem troubling mankind in our day? If you say it's poverty, suicide or sickness, then of course you will relapse back to those worldly solutions that we have already denounced. Scripture is clear that the real problem with mankind before the Holy One of Israel is nothing other than sin. This is the same problem that got our first parents cursed to their death. Still the same monster that resulted in the division of languages, the first destruction by water and the second destruction by fire. Take a look at the world around us: what do you think causes crime and corruption, racism and tribalism, domestic violence and public violence? Is it because humans are lacking in their self esteem, in need of someone to motivate them? Is it because mankind is poor and hungry in need of new cars and new jobs? None of the above! 

The root problem is that evil that resides deep within the human heart. This sin problem does not only affect the physical world around you but it will surely lead to the destruction of your soul. “There will be tribulation and anguish for every soul that doeth evil”, saith the Apostle. 

Therefore my dear ones, the only solution is a change of that stony heart into a new nature that is born of above – a.k.a salvation. “Yea must be born again”. Unless you come to know the true condition of your heart – which is desperately evil above all things according the words of Jeremiah – and the real problem of your soul, you will never truly repent. Instead, you will run to and fro across superficial methods of fixing your life: mental therapies, motivational talks and all other countless methods – prophetic deliverance services included.

I am now turning my attention towards the shepherds of Jerusalem: You will never truly help anyone unless you re-discover the power of the Gospel to transform lives. Let us preach the full-coloured Gospel message! Which means we have no choice but to tell men and women about the problem of their sins which they dearly love. And call them to repentance towards the One who publicly triumphed over all powers of sin, nailing them to a wooden cross. “I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified”, were the words of a real man of God. The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the Gospel.

Sinothi Ncube


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