Want To Share Christ; But How Do I Start?

This is the shortest article we will ever write. Forget 10 steps; it is just one easy step on how to begin a conversation towards sharing the Gospel with loved ones and strangers alike.

Many believers are they who sincerely desire to witness about our Saviour but it is just hard to start a conversation about spiritual things. 

Here is the tip;

Just say, “Can I ask you something; what do you think happens when a person dies, do you think there is a heaven?”

That question is the easiest and most non-offensive way of beginning a conversation; everybody loves to share their opinions about many things, especially spiritual matters – just allow them to express what they think. If they hint anything about heaven, press further and ask, “How do you think I can enter that heaven, what do I have to do?” 

Notice that this kind of a question does not intrude on the person’s private religious beliefs – It doesn’t even touch on any church denomination. It is just a general question.

Of course, the obvious answer you will get from many people is that a life dedicated to good works will take you to heaven; that is the false gospel message they have been raised with. The average citizen thinks he or she will give some free food to the poor and God will respond by giving him or her a free ticket to paradise. Therefore, right there it’s where you have to interject and start explaining that we are all guilty sinners before a holy God who will not accept our good works as a bribe for the sins we have committed with our hearts, eyes, thoughts, tongue and body. Then, of course, you end with the Good News of a Saviour who came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.

It will be easy therefore to finally invite the person to trust in Christ…not in self efforts – tell them that they have to believe on the One who died for their sins. Remember again our method is to begin by simply asking what they think happens when somebody leaves this world. It is that simple.

Happy evangelism!

Sinothi Ncube

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