Do We Really Need A Message About Hell?
Hell fire a.k.a fire & brimstone sermons were the regular diet in the Church a few decades ago. A preacher would stand up straight – as serious as his face was – and yell, bark and roar about a place where sinners are toasted mercilessly at the hands of an angry God. Well, how quickly have things changed because I don’t remember the last time I heard that kind of a message. Today, it is considered to be a relatively unfriendly, unloving, and certainly unnecessary thing to talk about; definitely the wrong method of building a big church. But do we really need hell messages anyways? Is the church better off now that the doom preachers are out of jobs?
I bet you are not surprised to discover that I am voting for the fire and brimstone preaching to come back to the pulpit once again. But why would I support such a negative, counterproductive thing as hell?
Because it is the truth of Scripture
The Bible is inspired by the Spirit of God, therefore, every book, chapter and verse was written for the purpose of our salvation and godly living – including the topic of a fiery furnace. Some groups, so-called “Christian groups”, I should say, have worked very hard trying to remove the word hell from the Holy Book or at least dismiss it as “just a metaphor.” Yet it’s clear even in their consciences that Scripture has very vivid descriptions of a place where the “fire is not quenched”, where there is “weeping & gnashing of teeth”, a place of “destruction”, a place of “torment”, “outer darkness”, “damnation”, “everlasting punishment”, “eternal fire”, “blazing furnace”, the “winepress of God’s wrath” and many others. What kind of a metaphor would make you weep and gnash your teeth in torment? In truth, any church doctrine that denies the doctrine of hell is simply dishonest. Such churches do not even deserve to be called churches because they are a shame to the Gospel. Therefore, true believers are not those who seek to redefine the Bible to suit their canal appetites but those who believe it as it is, so they can also preach it faithfully.
Because it is real
Again, we would all feel a little more comfortable if there was nothing called hell. However, let’s try to approach this from common logic: if there is no hell, then there is no justice – people will get away with all the evil atrocities like cold-blood murders, child rape and many thousand shocking crimes that happen on earth. Will a righteous God smile at all this wickedness in the end? What kind of a God is He who has no justice? Is He like the earthly judges who are corrupt enough to let criminals go free? This also means that sin is a small matter before that God. He just winks at it and forgets! Can this be true?
Yet the truth is that our Creator is holy, righteous and just, for these reasons, He must pay back those who do evil according to what their deeds deserve. Otherwise, His own righteousness would be questionable. This is the reason why we need a Saviour is it not? Because our sins must be judged. If there is no just punishment for sinners then what did Christ die for? If everyone, including child molesters and serial killers, will be freely pardoned for their sinful ways, why would Jesus of Nazareth waste His time dying on some cross? Yet, I rejoice today because Jesus took my place and was punished, satisfying God’s justice for me. The moment we try to reason ourselves from the truth we do more harm than good. Oftentimes, when we try to reject the thought of hell it’s because we want to freely enjoy sin. As the good Lord warned that “light has come to the world, but men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil” (Joh 3:19-20). It is as simple as that.
As a warning to unbelievers
The third reason why the horrors of hell must be proclaimed and heard is that unrepentant sinners must be warned about the peril that hangs upon their heads. Think of it this way, suppose you notice a group of individuals rejoicing inside a vehicle while they don’t realize that their car has caught fire. Would you not lay aside whatever you are doing so as to warn, scream and beg them to get out? In fact, that is the pure definition of love. In the same way, what kind of a Christian are you, knowing that many of your pals are definitely on their way to eternal burning, yet you just don’t care – not even one bit – to warn them? I can tell you that the modern Church contains the most unloving Christians you will ever meet; totally unconcerned! If anything, even ministers themselves have tried by all means to air-condition hell. In fact, did you notice that our modern society is worsening with evil; fellow humans are no longer ashamed to rape and kill you in broad daylight? The reason is that man no longer has a fear of God. Why would they fear the Lord if they no longer believe that He is righteous enough to throw them in the lake of fire? That is the damage that you are doing, oh dear minister, when you avoid the topic of hell in your ministry.
As a memorial to believers
Remember the Lord rescuing the Israelites out of Egypt and miraculously parting the red sea for them? As amazing as that work was, it didn’t take long for them to forget it. Why would anyone forget such a thing? Because they stopped talking about it in their daily conversations until it disappeared even in their minds. In the same way, as good as our salvation is, it’s good to keep reminding each other of what we have been saved from. It increases my gratitude and renews my commitment to know that there is a terrible place called hell, which would have consumed me, if it was not for the gracious work of my Savior. For this reason beloved, we need to constantly hear those old fashion fire and brimstone sermons. It’s good for our faith.
As a motivation for evangelism
What can motivate us to tell others about this great salvation, if not the fact that we know that there is a lake of fire they must be saved from? If we truly believe that man is lost without Christ, then we will not sit on our comforts but we will rise up and do something. Have you noticed there is a decline in the modern church’s desire for evangelism? Because there is a decline in preaching and even a disappearance in any belief about hell.
The wrong way to do it
The point I wanted to get across to you is that we desperately need a message about hell, especially in our time. Yet I must warn about the wrong way of speaking about such a sensitive topic. That is, don’t talk about hell as if you celebrate those who are going there. I hear some preachers who outright condemn homosexuals into that eternal fire, with no offer of redemption whatsoever. Some are they who speak in such a way that brings no hope at all to witches, abortionists and prostitutes. As if these sins have no forgiveness at all. That is wrong. Instead, we must kindly warn, yes, but also extend an olive branch of salvation in Christ. It’s not enough to warn about danger without providing a way of escape. Jesus died for witches and homosexuals too, they just need to be told that, not condemned. All bad news must be accompanied by the good news that a Savior has died for all men, those who repent, no matter who you are or what you have done, there is forgiveness and restoration.
Dear brethren, hell is real, yet it is not enough for us to believe it; we must also preach it, warn and tell people the truth. It’s unpopular, yes, but necessary. It’s offensive, definitely, but needful. Not only for the church but also for the good of the society at large. The ball is in your court.
Sinothi Ncube
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