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How Can You Support us?

Through your prayers
Our articles may be good and informative but there are a lot of challenges in keeping something like this running. These include endless Bible studies, research, prayer, handwriting to typing, editing and re-editing. Therefore, discouragements and tiredness are real enemies. To add on that are disappointments from lack of support by fellow believers and depression from thinking that all our work makes no impact. Remember, we are still humans who must also deal with the daily problems of the earth.

Because of all this, your prayers are the best support you can ever give us. We may not see you pray for us, and we may not even be there to thank you, but God will see you and hear your prayers on our behalf. Pray for all the ministers who are ever so hard working in getting the Gospel out. Please pray for us! Thanks in advance.

Your comments
We may not admit this in public but the truth is; to find just one comment after you upload something is very encouraging. In fact, it is proof enough that what we write makes an impact on people’s hearts. Therefore, if ever you are a little bit edified by our articles, it’s not harmful to leave a few words of encouragement. Thanks again.

What about financial support?
Evangel Africa has never, under any circumstances asked for financial donations from anyone. Beware of scammers who will use the name Evangel Africa or Sinothi Ncube to get you to donate money to them. We believe God will supply all our needs through the daily works of our hands. What remains from that is what we use to keep the ministry running.

However, if ever you want to donate out of your goodwill, our arms are open to your kindness. Some of the things that our ministry needs include better equipment (Video recording device, microphone & speaker).  (#NB. It doesn't have to be anything fancy/expensive, in fact, the simpler the better, as long the Gospel can be clearly proclaimed )Sinothi Ncube's new book, His True Sheep is also yet to have printed copies because of financial limitations. Anything you contribute will be of much help and encouragement for pushing the work of Christ. If willing to support with something; WhatsApp +27 737 890 651 to get more details.

Your Ministry Partnership
This is for those believers and servants of God who have the same goal of spreading the Gospel. Evangel Africa is always open to joining hands with other ministries (sharing content, ideas, encouragement and fellowship). Our Doctrinal Statement is open to everyone who wants to know what we believe. Get in touch at if willing to be part of our team.

Your Review
Sinothi Ncube's book is currently available on It doesn’t matter whether you have an interest in reading the whole book or not; but you can visit the book's dashboard on Amazon and leave a review (a review is an honest comment about the book) and that is enough support. Each review helps a lot in the book’s visibility or exposure to more people. Thanks again.

"I will go down the pit, if you will hold the ropes" - William Cary


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