Israel/ Palestine: What is the Christian Attitude Towards the War? 2

October 7 2023 is the day when Hamas militants launched a surprise attack on Israel, killing around 1200 civilians including babies, and kidnapping at least 250 more. In response, the Israeli army launched an all-out invasion on the Gaza Strip, bombing everything in this way; killing thousands more innocent civilians; including children. The rest of the world also responded with outrage at this violence, some siding with Israel for its retaliation, claiming “Israel has a right to defend itself.” Others, however, would have none of the Israeli aggression, claiming that “Israel is an apartheid nation that continues to oppress and commit genocide against Palestine masses. The war is still ongoing today (at the time of this writing).

My major question today is: what should be the Christian's attitude about this whole issue? Which side shall we join and which shall we condemn?  Just to repeat, I am aware that our opinions are already shaped by our political affiliations, emotional experiences, ethnic belonging, and religious upbringing. However, I want us to always strive to let Scripture shape our approach to every issue; no matter how difficult. This means this is a theological discussion, not a political one. To do that, we must consider these issues:

Both sides are hurting
Whenever there is suffering of some sort, Scripture teaches us to “weep with those who weep” (Rom 12:15). In this case, Jewish people are weeping for their families who were mercilessly butchered by the Hamas militia as much as Palestinians are also moaning their children who continue to die at the hands of the IDF bombings. Therefore, the worst thing you can do as a Christian is to take sides in such a situation. By doing that, you are saying “I only care about the pain of one group of people; I just don’t care about the other.” What kind of a believer is that? I encourage you, beloved, to study the parable of the good Samaritan, perhaps you will learn that we must respond equally to any human suffering regardless of our racial or political affiliations. In some sense, as a believer, you are that good Samaritan. You must bandage that Jewish man and use your money to care for that hurting Palestinian. As one writer said, “Every man, woman is made in the image of God. Therefore, the loss of any life, be it Palestinian or Jewish, grieves the heart of God and should grieve us similarly.” How about that?

There is evil on both sides 
Again, from Romans 12, “Hate what is evil and cling to what is good” (verse 9).  I am amazed when I hear some Christian person say something like “Israel is a genocide apartheid nation” yet they say nothing about the Hamas terrorism, I mean nothing at all!  Others would scream, “Israel is a God-chosen nation, I stand with Israel.” Yet such people say nothing about the crimes that Benjamin Netanyahu and his government have committed against humanity. My point is: there must be no partiality from us believers. Where there is evil, it must be wholesale condemned. Either that or we are guilty of being hypocrites ourselves.

The conflict is bigger than we know
Believe it or not, the Middle East conflict didn’t start on October 7 a year ago, but it goes further to 2014 Protective Edge Gaza operation, 2008 Israel/Gaza Strip war, 2006 Hamas election, 2003 Passover massacre, 2000 Second intifada, 1987 first intifada, 1967 six-day war, 1973 Yom Kippur War, 1948 Israel Independence, WW 2 & WW 1, Ottoman Invasion, Crusaders, Roman, Greek and Persian invasion, Maccabean Revolt – all the way to the Babylon captivity, King David’s capture of Jerusalem, until Joshua’s conquest of Canaan.

My point is that when we judge this issue, we must take all the factors into consideration. That is, human wars are as old as mankind itself, and they will probably get worse in the future. It’s also impossible – in that sense –to judge between who is right and who is wrong. Because both sides can have legitimate reasons for fighting. The Christian approach is that of neutrality; striving to be peacemakers. Sure, it might be impossible to find a peaceful resolution, however, being biased towards one side is equally unhelping, if not all the more harmful.

They will never tell you this on TV but there are peace-making groups right now in the Middle East that are working hard on the ground to bring both sides together. These groups include The Tent of Nations, Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), and Parents Circle Families Forum (PCFF) among others. Question for you: if there can be such people who have given their lives to bring peace in the midst of war, can you not do the same as a believer in our Lord Jesus?

Here is my heartfelt conclusion: Brethren, it’s no secret that the Israeli government is a ruthless, shameless regime that has done so much damage to the livelihoods of Palestine families and homes. I can give you video evidences of that.  Similarly, it’s a well-known fact that Hamas is an extremely cruel terrorist organization who believe – according to their Doctrinal Statement – that “Judgment will not come until the Muslims fight every Jew and kill them” (Hamas Charter article 7). In fact, it goes on to say that “there is no solution to the Palestine question except through war” (article 13).

In all this, remember there are innocent civilians who have suffered terribly; Jew or Palestine. Jewish people, already marred by the scars of the holocaust, live in a region where their neighbours constantly threaten to “wipe them off the face of the earth.” Hence it’s only right to sympathize with them. However, how sad that most Christian groups pretend that Palestinians don’t exist. These people have lived under Israeli oppression all their lives; from Gaza, West Bank, all the way to the Golan Heights. In truth, if there is a people that this war is having a high impact on, it’s the Palestinians. They have no homes, no country, no education, nothing! It is as if the word ‘human’ doesn’t apply to them.

Therefore, far be it from you as a believer that you take one side and turn a blind eye to the other. If there is evil, may it be condemned equally by Christ’s disciples. Most of all, let’s not forget that war is a manifestation of our sinful nature. Hence, we do well to learn that the best way to bring peace in the world is not through UN or any other political system, but through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. Let us, therefore, use such events to help the suffering, yes, but also to share the Good News of our salvation.  So that the peace of our Lord Jesus; the Prince of Peace, may reign in every region; including the Middle East. I thank you.

Sinothi Ncube

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