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The Deception of Global Warming

What is the meaning of that? That was my first response when I saw the words “going green”. Now I know that there is a worldwide campaign that has united politicians, celebrities and even church leaders themselves. It’s called global warming. The idea goes that we are all going to die sooner than expected, because the earth is becoming hotter by day until we will all be toasted into extinction somewhere in 2050. According to some “scientific evidence”, there is a collection of carbon gases, caused by human economic activities that are slowly warming up the earth’s atmosphere. The story goes on to suggest that we can all do our part in trying to reduce these gases through some green endeavors. I am sorry folks, I am not interested in joining you on this. I am just not convinced. 

God holds the universe
This world, and every system of this universe is being held together by the Almighty, who “upholds all things by the word of His power” (Heb 1:3). Therefore, the “do your part to save the planet” fad actually flies in the face of God’s sovereignty, and His ability to preserve His creation. No wonder the people that push the green agenda are most of them atheists (those who don’t believe there is a God). Since when did I, a believer, have anything in common with the foolish wisdom of this world? Here is another verse for your comfort “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” - Genesis 8:22

The earth was given to mankind
Just in case you do not know, the Almighty did give us the earth to benefit us as a token of His goodness. We have every right to plunder its resources, including oil and timber for our survival. “Have dominion over the earth and subdue it” was the command given to our first parents. Because “the heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’s; but the earth He has given to the children of men” (Psalms 115:16). Yet the green crowd – all coming from privileged countries – have spent tonnes of money preaching a gospel that tells us to stop using the God-given resources with a false flag of some climate change. They are actually saying it’s better for us poor countries to die of hunger (just as many Africans have already died of starvation) while sitting on top of such beautiful God-given natural riches. According to them, it’s better for us to stay in darkness than to burn that coal for electricity that would greatly improve our living conditions. In reality, these rich Western politicians are fearing the effects of climate change because of what it might do to their earthly kingdoms. It’s all selfishness and self-preservation at the expense of the poor. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t care less about some global warming that is coming 50 years from now. I only have so much time to survive and make a living with the resources that the Lord has given me today. 

Yes the earth is degrading
It is evident to all of us, that it’s not only the climate that is changing, but everything seems to wear away by the day. What do you think is the cause of that? I have two verses

Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it. All the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field - Genesis 3:17-18

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now -  Romans 8:20-22

It is the Lord who cursed the earth because of human sin. It will, therefore, remain cursed until He destroys it on the last day before He recreates a new heaven and earth (2 Pet 3:12-13). Hence, any degradation of our planet has nothing to do with human activity and everything do with the effects of the fall. In the meanwhile, it’s up to you to force the climate change ideology into the equation.

Is climate really changing?
Since I am no expert in that, I am bound to believe the so-called “scientific studies”, even though the same “experts” seem to disagree among themselves. What I know is that climate patterns are always changing; from cold to warmer and vice versa. They say the overall earth’s temperature has increased by 1.5 degrees over the last decades. Putting aside the fact I wouldn’t alarm myself with just 1.5 degrees, still, it is not really known what the next 30 years will be like; we can’t eliminate the possibility of the temperatures going down again. Therefore, all the global warming narrative is purely based on human estimation. Have you noticed that every natural disaster that happens today is blamed on you, for causing climate change? Yet there have been natural disasters throughout all human history.

What about diet?
Somehow they managed to connect your eating preferences with global warming. Apparently, the more meat you eat, the more greenhouse gases will you emit to harm the environment. If that is not the definition of pure insanity, I don’t know what is. Tell you what, I am not prepared to live on spinach and cabbage while the Almighty has blessed us with an abundance of fat animals for fresh meat.

Save your own soul
My duty is never to discourage anyone from going green, in fact, I appreciate the effort and desire to do something to make the world a better place. Yet, I am obliged to advise that the best thing you can do for the environment is not recycling plastic, but to save your soul from God’s judgment that is coming upon this world. For those who are already saved, still another huge task of getting that saving Gospel to others awaits. If you do all that and still have spare time, perhaps you can consider planting one or two trees. Even more, I must warn of idolatry; being so concerned with “mother earth” above the Creator of earth Himself. Therefore, take heed, lest you waste much time, money and energy trying to save the planet, while your own soul and that of your neighbor is in danger

I am not denying that the earth is warming up a bit, yet I know that it was bound to happen because the Almighty has cursed it, so that He eventually destroys it. In the meanwhile, let us keep it in mind that He is in control of it. Therefore, let us till this ground as He commanded us, for our own survival. Above all, the salvation of your soul is the primal thing, and you do well to use this borrowed time on earth to concentrate on making friends in heaven, so that when your time is over, you might have a home for eternity. Good luck with that.

Sinothi Ncube


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