What Is the Christian Opinion About Aliens?

The big question is: how does all this alien thing fit into the Christian belief system? In all my years as a believer, I have never heard church people discuss this issue among themselves. It’s just one of those topics that have no compatibility with the Christian doctrine. But still, since the world around us seems to believe in the existence of these extra-terrestrial beings, how do we deal with it from a Christian perspective?
The first step is to open our Bibles and ask ourselves, what does Scripture say about this? We are told that the only living beings that the Almighty created are humans, angels and animals. There is nothing alien at all! Now let’s think: apart from aliens, what other supernatural creatures are said to have been sighted on earth? Answer: it's goblins, mermaids, ghosts, etc. Do you think all these things are real? In my opinion, they are. Next question; among the creatures that God created according to Scripture, which ones have the ability to dazzle mankind through some supernatural manifestation? It's fallen angels, of course. This, my dear friend, is the source and the reason for the Alien phenomenon. Therefore, let’s all throw away the idea that there are other round-eyed beings that live on a green planet somewhere. In fact, all scientists agree with the Bible that there is no other life anywhere in the universe except that which is found on Earth. Of course, most of the Extra-Terrestrial reports are nothing but hoaxes and fake stories. But still, I believe it’s a great demonic strategy to deceive the world with this alien story, which is supposed to be scientific. Because the world has a soft spot for science. Hence I don’t think it’s so hard for these beings to project themselves and manifest themselves among humans as some UFO from somewhere out of space. Who knows what their ultimate deception plan is. It’s my belief that there is a great deception that is coming on the earth that is coming on two fronts; the religious deception and the scientific deception. And it’s going to catch a lot of people off-guard – especially us the religious and proud. This is exactly what is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12. And we could all do well to head to the words of the Apostle when he says, “So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, are drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation (1 Thes 5:6-8).
Conclusion. From a Christian perspective, there are no aliens, but there are evil spirits that are playing another deception card in the name of aliens, mermaids, goblins and what else. Therefore, it’s our duty to rescue the world from these deceiving spirits through the Gospel Message, which is the power of God to them that believe. We must teach people the truth and open their eyes. Let’s us neither be dogs that do not bark nor silent onlookers, but let also run to the raging battle, for this is where Christ’s glorious victories are won. Peace.
Sinothi Ncube
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