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The Hypocrisy of the Covid Protocols

Evangel Africa is proud to be a (Christian) voice to the people about all the relevant and concerning issues of our time – masks and vaccines included. 

First of all, I think it would be proper to begin by extending some words of comfort to all the families who have lost loved ones through this pandemic. Secondly, I would like to confess that many times I was burdened by this but it was just hard to put it in words. Certainly, I am not the only one who has seen this ugly side of the world around us ever since Covid19 hit the earth’s surface, without an idea of how to handle it. This was partly due to the fact that we are actually no longer allowed to say anything these days – there is no free speech anymore. Not even a little space for disagreement with those in authority. Many brothers are those who have been removed from social media while some found themselves behind bars for “misleading information about Covid”...oh really?

It is hard for my mind to process how a vaccine that was first advertised to wipe away the pandemic is still ineffective to prevent even the triple-jabbed from contracting Covid. If that is the case, then there is no difference between the Vaxxed and the unVaxxed (they keep denying this of-course). Furthermore, if I am Vaxxed by an “effective” substance, and the next person is not, how is he going to risk my life when I am injected against that? Especially considering the fact that I can still get it on my own, and still pass it to the next person no matter how fully vaccinated I am? Think of it this way: if Bobby my dog gets vaccinated against rabies, and three weeks later he gets infected with rabies, is it better that he bites my visitors with the vaccine or without the vaccine? 

It is even harder for me to understand how when a new variant surfaces, the previous ones somehow completely disappear from the public lips, as if every new variant somehow wipes away the other one before it. How about the fact that the Covid V is weaker against every new variant? Okay then, what if ten more variants are on their way, does that mean we now have to be boosted ten times to be safe? What about kids? Well, their own “experts” told us that kids are the most unlikely to die from Covid19, why then have they been pushing so hard to inject them?

In all this, nothing is as concerning as the fact that the unVaxxed have become the scam of the society that gets blamed for everything – fired from workplaces, banned from airports and even denied education. Just recently, a hospital in America removed a man from the heart transplant list because “he was not vaccinated”. Oh my, I never thought I would live to hear such a thing! Remember that these developed countries are the ones who allowed women to murder their babies in the womb in the name of “my body my choice” while the honest tax-paying citizens are denied that same right and forced to take the injection against their will. Some people have chosen not to take the vaccine because they have legitimate reasons, which include the fact that we do not know the ten-year effects of that substance. Do you then have to force them? That is pure hypocrisy! It shows that it is no longer about the well-being of citizens but is has now become about crowd control and the satisfaction of political agendas. Do you know that in these past Covid years (according to Forbes, April 6, 2021), there has been nearly 500 new billionaires, most of which came from the health sector? That is what it's all about. 

Think of the fact that we forgave them for their overnight production of the Covid vaccines, unlike all other vaccines before it which took more than 11 years of development before human trials. The hypocrisy is so bad that even journalists – a people that swore to stand by the people and report the truth – have also turned against the ones they are supposed to speak for by suppressing any “negative news” so as to help push the agendas of the authorities.

Where is the Church?
It is no surprise that ever since this Covid circus took centre stage, what is called church is nowhere to be seen but on the silent corner. Silence may be a result of confusion or even fear is understandable. But I think it's more than that: self-preservation. Except for the 7 000 who have not bowed to Baal, most of the ministers today have been more concerned with the financial produce of the church than the well-being of souls. Therefore, in terrible times like these, who is prepared to go to prison and lose their ministry for the sake of the truth...raise your hand? Zero!

What then must we do now?
Nothing. There has been only one solution since day one: take your hope away from the affairs of this world and think of a better home that our Saviour has promised for us. John 14:1-3 is a great motivation for us is it not? Satan is the god of this world, Scripture says. Therefore as long as we are here, we will bend to his terms one way or the other. Too much focus on what is happening in the world is depression and death for you I tell you. Yet if we, as Hebrews 13 says “are not looking to this city but a city to come”, we will be at peace within ourselves no matter what happens in the world around us. After all, neither a vaccine nor a mask is the keeper of your life. It is Christ who upholds all our lives by the words of His power. Shalom.

Sinothi Ncube


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