Don't Make The Mistake...
What is a mistake? It is, according to the dictionary an error that results from misjudgment, lack of knowledge or overall carelessness. The good part about mistakes is that often times we are given second chances to correct ourselves. However, there are some mistakes that are so serious and so costly such that there is no second chances and corrections. Looking at your life, what are some of those mistakes that you are by no means not supposed to make? Let me help you.
...of hoping there is no God
The way we naturally love our sins, I suppose we would all rejoice if we were told that after all, there is no God. That would give us a good excuse to live as we please without any fear of a God who would send us to hell. However, don’t you ever entertain that thought in your mind because there is a God in heaven. As Paul reminds us that creation itself is proof enough to everyone that there is a Creator. If anything, a building is evidence enough that there is a builder, is it not? Therefore, live your life on earth knowing that it will end, and on the side, you will meet your Maker and give account for everything you have done here.
...of imagining there is a God but He is just like you
This was the great mistake of the Israelites. They imagined the Holy One to be like a golden calf–which they went on to make. This is the same error that many make today. They imagine the Almighty to be a better version of a human being. That is why many are comfortable with the fact that no matter how they live on earth, God will in the end forgive them and let them go without the slightest smell of hell’s smoke. After all, “Would you send your worst enemy to burn in hell for eternity?” they say. That is a bad mistake because the Lord is not like us. His ways are not our ways. For starters, God is holy and just. That means every sin will receive a “just recompense”, saith the KJV. There is a hell my friend, and it is still hot as ever. Do not ever make another god with your mind that suits your canal lifestyle.
...of believing that being a good person is the way to salvation
Been to a few funerals already in my short life and I have been appalled by the sermons I have heard there. The minister would stand up and basically say, “This person who lies here today has arrived in heaven because we all know that he was a good person. Therefore, we all have to live good lives like him and we will join him in paradise.” Friend, please hear me: no matter how good you feel about yourself, the perfect holiness of God demands that you attain to that perfect standard. You cannot do it! Before the Mighty Judge, me and you are convicted as guilty sinners. There will always be sin that lives within every heart. Therefore, no matter how I try to help that old lady to carry that heavy bag across the street, it doesn’t wash my own sins, does it? Good works have their place among those who are already saved but they are certainly not a ticket to enter heaven! You cannot save yourself. Therein comes a message called the Good News that tells us about the One that came to take our sins unto Himself so that He could give us His perfect righteousness to enable us to stand before the Holy One of Israel. You are saved (forgiven) if you trust (rely) on Christ’s work, not your works. If you still do not understand this, I suggest you prayerfully open your Bible and read and re-read Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5 and 2 Timothy 1:9.
...of trusting that your money will buy you grace
Again, there are some who have had their minds influenced by greedy deceivers such that they have come to believe that God is somehow so money-hungry that you have to convert all your food and rent money into a “seed envelop” for Him to then show you grace. If money could buy grace, Jesus would have simply handed a million $ check to God the Father rather than come down to suffer a humiliating death at the hands of the Romans. I say this again: grace is free! It has been paid for by blood! Take your money, buy bread for your kids then you freely come to the grace of Calvary.
...of thinking that you still have a long life ahead
The life of every human is in the hands of the Creator. He is the only One who knows the number of your years. Surely, we all have plans for our futures, including funeral insurances for proper burial. However, costly is the mistake of thinking that you still have a long life ahead – you don’t know that! All your plans can go up in smoke as soon as the Eternal One decides that this is your last year...your last month...your last day on earth! Please set your matters in order and get your sins forgiven now.
Whatever you do, do not make these mistakes.
Sinothi Ncube
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