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Believers Are Responsible Citizens

For we are a sweet aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing - 2 Corinthians 2:15 

'Sweet aroma' is definitely sweet-sounding words that – according to the Text above – describes the positive influence of every believer in whatever environment that the good Lord stations him/her. After we have gone past the false idea that the Christian life is sinless perfection, we go on to acknowledge that true Christianity has or must prove its truthfulness by the good effect it has on the world around it. This is why our Savior branded His followers as “the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth” or as our verse above highlights, “the sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” 

The fruit of the Spirit
I am very much amazed that when it comes to the modern Church’s discussion about the Holy Spirit and His ministry in filling every believer, it’s always about the gifts of the Spirit, particularly speaking in tongues and prophesying while zero attention is focused on the fruit of Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit as outlined in Paul’s epistle to the Galatians is actually the evidence or proof that an individual is indeed filled and walking in the Spirit. Think of it this way: is it logical for God to fill you with His Spirit to speak in tongues while the summary of your life is practically the opposite of simple things like kindness, peace and self-control? Me thinks not my friend. The true gift of the Spirit must be accompanied by the fruit of the Spirit or else something is wrong.

Work ethic
The word ‘responsibility’ is our main character today. In simple terms, to be responsible is to be determined to do what is right – something that pertains to maturity and accountability. Why? Because as emphasized above, those in Christ have the good Spirit of Christ that seeks to work out the best in the world; for the glory of God and the salvation of man. Included in that of course is a desire to use the body for the glory of the Creator and to make the world a better place – it’s called work. Contrary to some 'success' false teachers who promote miracle money, working is not by any means a bad thing. In fact, we are told that God Himself worked six days to create the universe, yes, even our Savior said He came to work the works of His Father and to finish it. What more of us His followers? In that vein I say: It is a disgrace for you who call on the name of the Lord to have the world complaining about your laziness, late coming to work, and a general attitude of wanting to be spoon-fed by those who work hard. Far be it from you oh dear Saint!

Financial responsibility
Still, on the same line of being a responsible citizen to the glory of the Redeemer, let us now shed light on our finances. There are already enough warnings in the Bible about the love of money among the followers of the One who is worth far more than earthly riches. Therefore, it means it does matter how Christians spend their paychecks, especially with simple things such as paying bills on time, returning debts to those who were gracious enough to borrow you and even grocery contributions if you reside under someone’s roof. It is quite easy for you to lift hands of hallelujah-holiness during a church service only to leave the church still carrying your stinginess that makes it impossible to even help your relative who cries in need. Let us all prayerfully strive to improve in this area lest we are found to be hypocrites.

Social responsibility
Ever heard of the saying, “Humans are social animals”? That means for us to make it in this cruel world, we need each other. Therefore, as the one who claims to be born again, do not hide when a fellow human needs help (physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially). Go to a funeral to moan with those in difficulty and learn to celebrate with those who archive good things. Apologize when you do wrong to someone and give thanks when a favour has been done to you. Amen, somebody?

Conclusion. It is of utmost importance for Christians to understand that the people of the world are not enemies but the mission field for us to preach to – in word and deed. Take your responsibility and be that sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. I rest my case.

Sinothi Ncube


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