What Happened to Covid19, Where Did It Go?

Remember that article about Covid-19 that we published somewhere in 2021; those days when all of us were being politely asked (I mean forced) to get jabbed or else there would be no access to borders, schools and even our work campuses. Well, it’s been 3 years since that pandemic which was predicated to wipe the whole of humanity out of existence, especially those pitiful Africans with bad health systems. Lo and behold, we are still here and there is no sign of anything called Covid19. I mean where did it go? It seems to have disappeared – completely!  No one wears a mask anymore, no more lockdowns, sanitizers are gathering dust in stores and even vaccines have expired and disposed of.  Even more amazing to my mind is the fact that no one talks about it anymore. Everyone has moved on with their lives as if nothing happened – just like that!

Where did it go?
Well, according to them (I mean the “experts”) the vaccines played a huge role in the fight against that pandemic. A lot of people got immunized until it was completely ineffective. I actually find that hard to believe, especially in our African context because according to their data, a majority of our people are not vaccinated at all. Indeed there might be places where there was a high intake of it, for example, most big companies and government organizations such as the military (because they forced them) but generally, the regular citizens did not turn up for their jabbs as they thought they would.  Therefore, how come the vaccine that people didn’t take en-mass, somehow was effective to the same mass? Do you know that some countries wasted a lot of money buying those vaccines only to pour them down the drain after they expired because of low vaccination turn up?

Others, however, are of the opinion that a great majority of people got exposed to Covid and got “herd immunity” until it was ineffective against the whole population. Well, about that, why then did they predict that it was going to wipe everyone if they knew that there would be herd immunity? That doesn’t add up, I mean what was the reason for that lockdown panic if we only needed everyone to first have it so the bodies could immunize themselves? Secondly, what was the point of vaccines (that were produced prematurely) if the herd immunity was going to take care of the pandemic after all? Thirdly, how about the fact that people who were triple-jabbed could also contract and die from the virus, just like those who were not vaccinated. So how did a virus that could affect the ones immunized against it, still somehow be effective in eradicating it through some herd immunity? Okay, let’s say we agree with all these theories, it still does not justify the complete disappearance of anything called Covid-19. Consider that the diseases we had before (HIV, TB, Diabetes), also have some kind of medicines and vaccines against them, yet they are still with us after all these years. For this reason, some people are of the view that the Covid thing was a scam to begin with  – and I can’t blame such opinions.

Personally, I believe that the Coronavirus was real. I wouldn’t dare deny that because there are people who lost their loved ones because of it. However, I don’t think it was as deadly as the media and their cousins in the government were trying to brainwash us. They surely succeeded in bullying and fear-mongering everyone until they gained total control of our lives. Do you know that COVID-19 is not even the deadliest disease to ever kill mankind? Its numbers are way lower than HIV, Cancer, and even other viruses like Ebola. Nevertheless, whether that Chinese virus was real or not, the truth remains that somebody sold us a dummy and made lots of money in the process.

The crux of this whole matter is that the COVID thing is past and behind us, there is nothing we can do about it now. However, I believe we can take good lessons for the future, just in case a similar situation happens. The first lesson is the false prophecies about the virus. Let us never act as if we have forgotten that a certain Emmanuel Makandiwa said Covid would be proved that it was from the sea, and that it would kill more people than HIV and Cancer (not true). Let’s never forget that a certain T. B Joshua told us that the pandemic would be over by 27 March 2020 (never happened). Let us never pretend that we didn’t hear a certain Benny Hihn telling us that the virus would only kill 5000 people (not even close). All these “prophecies” were nothing but fabricated lies that brought only shame to the Holy name of our Lord. Another proof that most of what is called “prophets” of today is nothing but a scam.

The second lesson I have for us is: let us never be quick to believe everything that we are told by the “experts” and their government friends. Throughout history, many theories and inventions have been made only for them to fail at the expense of people’s lives. I say this because recently Astra Zenecca came out and admitted that their vaccines can cause deadly side effects. They have since withdrawn their chemical from sale. And it’s too late because some of us already have it in our system. Who knows if these problems we have with our bodies are not a result of the Covid Vaxx. Therefore, next time something virus-like happens, please stay calm; think before you act, take your time and trust in the sovereign Lord. Do not be moved by the threat of death. It’s God who controls who, when and how all of us will die. Thirdly, as I hinted last time, let’s never lose sight of the world beyond this life, until we can confidently say with Paul, “I have a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better (Phi 1:21).” This kind of mindset, guaranteed, give you peace when everyone is panicking because they have set all their hope on the affairs and temporal goods of this world. Finally, my words go towards the Church world: let us never be afraid of being light-bearers; telling people the necessary truth, warning them about present dangers, including bad government decisions, even if it goes against everyone’s opinion.  Let us go to jail if we have to for standing with this truth; there are people’s lives at stake here. Therefore, gentlemen, there are times when silence is the wrong thing to do. I think I will end here. Peace.

Sinothi Ncube

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