Abortion: South Africa’s Pet Sin

Pet sin is really a beggarly illustration compared to the kind of holocaust I am going to describe in this document. Holocaust yes, because that is what it looks like to murder millions of unborn humans in the name of “safe abortion.” Of course, I am angry, why shouldn’t I be, when innocent blood is flowing on the streets of Mzansi Land; all under the stamp of approval from the South African constitution itself?

The false flag of healthcare
As always, no evil is ever bold enough to reveal its evil intention the first time, but it always veils itself under the guise of good. Such is the case of the “abortion is health care” advocates. According to them, women are dying because of illegal abortions, hence to “reduce those deaths”, women must be given free “health care” and be able to terminate pregnancy at government clinics – at the expense of the taxpayer’s money, of course. My question to them is; since when is killing a human to save another human a healthcare? Because while that young lady is being saved from death, the innocent baby is not! Which means they are saying to us, healthcare is an adult-only right. As long you are 3 months and below, you have no right to live. “Let’s just kill you fast so we continue on with our wonderful lives – who cares!” 

Scientific fact – unborn babies are humans!
Because I am so passionate about this, the moment I heard that France (another wicked nation) had also engraved the abortion law into their constitution, I headed straight to the Facebook comment section just to pick a fight with some deceived souls who thought France had done “such a good thing.” After a few squabbles with those strangers, they finally landed on this statement, “it’s not a baby, it’s just a fetus.” If you don’t know what that means to them, it means that the unborn cannot be considered living beings. Because of that, you just have to get rid of “it” because it has no human right at all. Even more ironic is that the same people, I mean the same “law” is ready to sentence you with the crime of double murder if ever you are charged with taking the life of a pregnant woman. Talk about insanity.

We are definitely not scientists, yet we all know without a doubt that life begins at conception (not at birth!). That is why your unborn child has a heartbeat, he eats, breathes, and even kicks. It’s just the same human who is only in a different location and at a different stage of growth. And who says we must kill people because they live inside our houses/ and are dependent on us? I am trying to say who said you have a right to terminate a baby because he lives inside your body and is dependent on you? Some give weak arguments that “we don’t have money to care for those babies, hence they will suffer when we don’t abort them.” My response is: so if you have your disabled 20-year-old you are supposed to kill him, just because he is suffering in his disabled condition? And speaking of suffering, so it’s better for someone to suffer as you kill him with that abortion chemical, than for him to live and be given a chance to suffer the same economic hardship that all of us endure on this earth? As a society, if we find it so hard to defend the weak among us, then what good are we?

The actual process of abortion
Some people just get onto the abortion rights bandwagon without any knowledge of what’s really happening in those clinics.  The method that most are familiar with is when they inject, or get the lady to swallow some poison pill that would dissolve the unborn President into a slow, painful death. Well, did you know that there is another procedure where they insert something inside the womb to suck the defenseless child, tissue by tissue until there is nothing left? And that is not all; they can also use a sharp spatula thing to grab the legs of the living baby and chop it off, piece by piece. His body parts are then collected and sold for research purposes – making lots of money in the process, I imagine. Now take time and imagine what if that kind of a thing was done to your precious body, how would you feel? Talk about child abuse! Like I said, it is exactly the same thing that Hitler did to those innocent Jews. And guess what? The holocaust was also legal under the German constitution; think about that.

Where is the Church voice?
I can stand here and admit that South Africa contains some of the most godly, faithful believers you will ever find. I can even give the names of those countess ministers who bless me through their ministries. Yet there is something I am not hearing from them: their outcry against the evil of abortion. It’s either I am the one who is just not listening or their voices are too low to be heard (if any at all). As I said 3 years ago about the Covid19 mandates, it seems like the Church does not have a spine at all to stand against the monopoly of the government. I wonder what we are trying to preserve. Brethren, evil is evil regardless of whether the State approves it or not; it must be wholesale denounced! This is a fight, and the last thing we want to do is to concede defeat through the sin of silence. 

What if I have done abortion?
Some people are lied into believing that once you have removed that “inconvenient” thing out of your body, then you will continue to live your awesome life and pursue your dreams happily ever after. Yet in reality, putting aside that you might lose your life in the process – there is also a permanent scar of guilt, depression and regret – especially when you see other kids that could have been the same age as your terminated child. If you are that woman, and seeking salvation; first realize that you are a sinner that deserves the wrath of the Holy One, just like the rest of us. And be ready to confess that. It’s called repentance. To repent is not just confessing some particular sin, but it is confessing what we are before the Lord; unrighteous creatures. Moreso, true repentance is not just being sorry for doing something, but it is also looking unto Jesus Christ in faith. Knowing that He is the only One who came to save, not the righteous but sinners like me & you through His sufficient payment on the Cross. “Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord…”, says my Bible, “… shall be saved.” It can happen to you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done; His grace is bigger than your sins. Look to Christ and start a new journey with Him, today!

Friends, I am just an irrelevant nobody whose voice makes no difference at all. However, I think I will quietly sleep in that coffin knowing that I have spoken the truth in the hearing of all. It’s up to you if you are going to bury your head in the sand and pretend nothing concerns you or you will have the mind of Christ, and be sensitive to such wickedness. Then you will rise up and do something about it, at great cost to your comfort zone. Done.

Sinothi Ncube

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