
Showing posts from August, 2021

Boring song; let's tell others about Jesus

Songs have been proven to have some positive effects upon the soul. They comfort, encourage and even stimulate excitement. But, what about a boring song? It does the opposite; it fatigues and depresses. Taking the song analogy to Church, what is it that excites a modern believer? It is a message about a miracle coming, a new job and a new season. On the opposite is the reality that most so-called believers have stomped their ears from being told about sharing the Gospel to the lost . My dear reader; are you one of those who just don’t care about bringing someone to the Lord? Regardless, reality does not change the fact that life will end for all of us, as much as funerals are real, so is hell . As much as we have heard this boring song many times, so must we dance to it and witness to those who have not heard about this Good News. As a wise man once said, “ To hate someone is to believe that hell exists and that person might be going there but not tell them about a way of escape ”. Ima...

But, What Is Truth?

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “ What is truth? ” – John 18:37 What startles me is the fact that a pagan Roman governor in the person of Pilate had some desire to know about something called truth . What boggles my mind, even more, is the fact most of us who proudly profess “Jesus” have zero interest in joining hands with dear Pilate in asking this striking question; what is truth? Our ignorance is evident in our disinterest in Bible study and dislike for those who speak the truth . What about the noise that comes out during prayer time; is there anything close to, “Lord teach me your truth , I want to know”? Me thinks not. Truth is anything that accords with reality, evidence and facts; anything that is opposed to falsehood, flattery and hypocrisy. According to the teaching of the Christian faith, t...

Tithe; The Hidden Truth That You Will Never Be Told

Evangel Africa does not glory in controversies but that everyone may come to the truth of the Gospel as written in Scripture, hence we do encourage everyone to test all our teachings in light of what the Bible says. On that note, without fear or favour, we are going to correctly explain the real truth about tithe that you were never told; its origin and its application to the New Testament believers . This might be the most important thing you will ever read. First, understand this The foundation of all this must begin with your understanding about Covenants. There are two main covenants in the Bible, the Old Covenant and the New Covenant . The Old Covenant was a binding agreement between God and specifically the people of Israel, through strict obedience of the Law in return for God’s blessings (Duet 28:1-14) – while the New Covenant is a binding agreement between God and all people through the work of Jesus on the Cross in return to doing nothing but just faith in Christ (Heb 8:6-13)...

Examine Yourself!

To examine is to test, scrutinize, observe closely to discern, distinguish or approve whether a thing is real or not. A believer's self-examination is a close observation of one's spirituality so as to determine its genuineness, evaluate its progress and amend one's failures. It is a constant self-assessment so as to keep on track and in alignment with God's mind and will. The good thing about this is that no one has to judge you but you take time to judge yourself, then you can really know the true condition of your heart. Everything about every person who claims to be Christian must be constantly examined in line with what the Bible says, if deficiencies in some areas are identified, amendments are made through prayer and re-dedication. The more one tests their spiritual journey, the more they can improve in their growth in the Lord.  A lack of self-examination, however, can lead one to over-rate him or herself into thinking that he or she is something when in realit...

Want To Share Christ; But How Do I Start?

This is the shortest article we will ever write. Forget 10 steps; it is just one easy step on how to begin a conversation towards sharing the Gospel with loved ones and strangers alike. Many believers are they who sincerely desire to witness about our Saviour but it is just hard to start a conversation about spiritual things.  Here is the tip; Just say, “Can I ask you something; what do you think happens when a person dies, do you think there is a heaven?” That question is the easiest and most non-offensive way of beginning a conversation; everybody loves to share their opinions about many things, especially spiritual matters – just allow them to express what they think. If they hint anything about heaven, press further and ask, “How do you think I can enter that heaven, what do I have to do?”  Notice that this kind of a question does not intrude on the person’s private religious beliefs – It doesn’t even touch on any church denomination. It is just a general question. Of cour...

I Am A Believer; Why Then Does God Allow Painful Times?

Africa is known as the poverty playground, unemployment arena and sickness stadium. Everybody seeks a solution to their problems and a remedy for their suffering.  Somehow it happened that somebody told the masses that the church is the place where “all your troubles will disappear – never to see them!”   However, many of us have been to church; born gain for the 3rd time and re-baptized. They have laid hands on us all Sundays plus holidays. We have a hundred times declared victory and a thousand times banished problems away. All the 10% of our incomes, 40% of our profits and 70% of our bonuses have been given to the storehouse of the Lord – But we still, come home to face the same old problems. It is the most faithful Believers who still face the chop at work, sleep in emergency rooms and lose their loved ones. Why does God allow His beloved to face such hardships?  Below are a few biblical reasons. Let’s go through them together.  To test the genuineness of their f...

Common Grace vs. Salvation

Grace is simply undeserved kindness that God shows upon His creatures. It is His ability to bless even the worst of sinners like us, without asking anything back. I have come to learn that there are two kinds of graces; common grace and special grace. Let us look at these further. Common grace is the overall common goodness of the Lord bestowed upon all of His creatures without discrimination, and free of charge . Consider how all of us freely enjoy the warm winter sunshine, which also gives us light. How much do we pay for a breath of fresh air? Think about a good summer rain that graciously gives the abundant waters to quench our thirst (Act 14:17). Have you ever wondered why the world’s evilest people who cheat, rape and murder, and those who publicly blaspheme God and scorn at Him; are still allowed by the same God to breathe and equally enjoy the beauties of nature like the rest of us (Mat 5:45). Think of yourself; no matter how much you have sinned, no matter how long you spent y...

A Cry For Whole Counsel Preaching!

Preaching is simply taking what has already been written in the Bible and explaining it for the edification of God's people.   The Bible contains a wide scope of issues and topics; God, Christ, earth, mankind, animals, angels, salvation, sin, judgment... and many more. All these were written as a necessity for God's glory, man's salvation, sanctification, teaching and warning. Therefore, to preach the full counsel of God is to faithfully teach every doctrine and every verse you come across with in the Bible; no matter how difficult or unpleasant to your hearers. It is feeding the sheep with a balanced diet of the Bread of Life; meat and bones included. Paul was a faithful man of God as evidenced by his faithfulness to preach without holding back anything that was helpful, regardless of whether his beloved followers wanted to hear it or not. (Act 20:20).  It is in our time that many of those who rejoice in being called ‘man of God’ have become people pleasers; who, in order ...

Injured Soldiers; How Can We Overcome Our Sexual Sins?

Just to give you a road map of where we are going, first we are going to discuss the real problem of sexual sin among believers then we end with helping each other to work on the solution. Sexual sin is any sexual act, motive or thought that is outside the bounds of marriage. It ranges from lust to porn, fornication to masturbation. According to an internet survey; over 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian ladies admit to pornography addiction. Even worse is the fact that this also has a grip on our trusted spiritual leaders; the pastors, of which 63% admitted to sexual addiction of some kind.  Silence from the Church Even worse than concerning is the fact that the Church is silent to confront or discuss about this issue to find ways of helping believers in dealing with their secret struggles with lust. It's just silence! Being silent about something may indicate ignorance, but I think many church leaders do desire to deal with this issue but they just don't know how. I re...