Boring song; let's tell others about Jesus
Songs have been proven to have some positive effects upon the soul. They comfort, encourage and even stimulate excitement. But, what about a boring song? It does the opposite; it fatigues and depresses. Taking the song analogy to Church, what is it that excites a modern believer? It is a message about a miracle coming, a new job and a new season. On the opposite is the reality that most so-called believers have stomped their ears from being told about sharing the Gospel to the lost . My dear reader; are you one of those who just don’t care about bringing someone to the Lord? Regardless, reality does not change the fact that life will end for all of us, as much as funerals are real, so is hell . As much as we have heard this boring song many times, so must we dance to it and witness to those who have not heard about this Good News. As a wise man once said, “ To hate someone is to believe that hell exists and that person might be going there but not tell them about a way of escape ”. Ima...