Examine Yourself!
To examine is to test, scrutinize, observe closely to discern, distinguish or approve whether a thing is real or not. A believer's self-examination is a close observation of one's spirituality so as to determine its genuineness, evaluate its progress and amend one's failures. It is a constant self-assessment so as to keep on track and in alignment with God's mind and will. The good thing about this is that no one has to judge you but you take time to judge yourself, then you can really know the true condition of your heart.
Everything about every person who claims to be Christian must be constantly examined in line with what the Bible says, if deficiencies in some areas are identified, amendments are made through prayer and re-dedication. The more one tests their spiritual journey, the more they can improve in their growth in the Lord. A lack of self-examination, however, can lead one to over-rate him or herself into thinking that he or she is something when in reality it’s not the case. More so, ignorance of one's spiritual progress leads to relaxation and fruitlessness altogether.
Examine your salvation
According to Mat 7:23, on Judgment Day, many will say, “Lord, we did things at church in your name”, but Christ will deny them with these words, “I never knew you.” This means that there are many who claim to know Jesus, they who even do things in the name of Jesus… yet He never knows them. It is easy to point that verse to others when instead you should be pointing to yourself because it could be you; you could be deceived without knowing it. You can proudly profess yourself to be a Christian while in reality, you are not. Examine yourself! Do not even trust your own heart because the heart is evil on its own (Jer 17:9). Use the Word of God to test yourself. Are you truly saved? Did you really repent of sins or you just joined religion? Did you come to God for forgiveness of sins or you just decided to follow Jesus because you want success and the things of this world in His name?
Examine your love for Christ
Christianity is not merely a profession, but it is a personal love relationship with Christ. It is a good thing that you identify yourself as a believer, allow me then to ask you this question; how much do you love the Lord Jesus? How much do you think of Him? Let’s be honest my friend; does He even occupy your mind? How much is your desire to spend time with Him and to know him more? What is the greatest thing you want to do for Him before you leave this earth? Examine yourself; do you really love Christ Jesus? When last did you tell Him that you love Him? Return to your first love (Rev 2:4).
Examine your love for others
A true believer overflows from the love of Christ to the love and care for others. Christ's compassion for the hungry people was a reflection of what His followers are like. For a Christian is Christ-like. Examine your love and care for others. How much do you think of someone else’s problem? How far are you willing to make a difference in other people's lives? Since when did you last risk your body, time or money for the benefit of a fellow human being? Since when did you last pray even fast for someone in trouble? Do people who are closest to you know you as someone who cares for them? True faith is always followed by good deeds while dead faith has no effect on anyone (Jam 2:14-17). It's either that or you are selfish, greedy and self-absorbed, such is a disgrace to the Christian faith. Examine yourself, repent and start afresh!
Self-examine your level of faith
The evidence of a healthy child is growth, in the same way, the evidence of a healthy child of God is growing in faith. Where do you see your faith now ever since you got saved? Do you see growth even from 2years back? What have you learned about God so far? What have you learned about your weakness in sin? Is your faith really growing? Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought (Rom 12:3), neither must you look down on what you are; properly examine the level of your faith and humbly seek spiritual growth.
Examine your Bible time
There is no Christian Faith without the Word. How much do you know the Word? Within you is there a love for the Holy Book? How much time do you spend studying the Scriptures? If you have a Christian family, do you ever study the Word as a family? Why not? Examine your Bible time and amend your failures.
Examine your prayer life
As an individual child of God, how much private prayer do you have? How much of it do you confess your sins such as lust and pride? How much do you pray for the spirit of humility, love and patience? Do you ever have a burning desire to pray? If you are a father how much do you pray with your wife and kids? If you are a husband, how much do you pray with your wife? If you are a child, how much do you pray with your parents? Examine your prayer life!
Examine yourself!!!!
2 Corinthians 13:5 – Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
Sinothi Ncube
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