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Tithe; The Hidden Truth That You Will Never Be Told

Evangel Africa does not glory in controversies but that everyone may come to the truth of the Gospel as written in Scripture, hence we do encourage everyone to test all our teachings in light of what the Bible says. On that note, without fear or favour, we are going to correctly explain the real truth about tithe that you were never told; its origin and its application to the New Testament believers
. This might be the most important thing you will ever read.

First, understand this
The foundation of all this must begin with your understanding about Covenants. There are two main covenants in the Bible, the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. The Old Covenant was a binding agreement between God and specifically the people of Israel, through strict obedience of the Law in return for God’s blessings (Duet 28:1-14) – while the New Covenant is a binding agreement between God and all people through the work of Jesus on the Cross in return to doing nothing but just faith in Christ (Heb 8:6-13). The Old Covenant failed because the Israelites failed to strictly obey the Law, therefore God replaced the Old Covenant with the New, which can never fail because it is based on the perfect work of Jesus at Calvary.

When did tithe begin?
Tithe was begun by Abraham, together with circumcision. Although Abraham did not monthly tithe his income but only the spoils of war, which he gave to Melchizedek, not every month but only once when they met (Gen 14:18-20). However, many years after that, came Jacob, who set it in his heart to give a tenth of everything he owned (Gen 28:22). After that, the Law of Moses was given to the people, hence tithe, circumcision and Sabbath became part of the Law; the Old Covenant.

Are we commanded to pay tithe?
Again as a reminder, everything was done in the Old Covenant as a shadow of things to come, the reality is Christ (Col 2:15-17). But still, what does the New Testament have to say about tithe? There are only two places where tithe is mentioned; first, in the book of Matthew 23:23 or Luke 11:42 where Jesus was rebuking the Pharisees (who were under the Old Covenant) for abusing the Law instead of fully obeying it without fail. Therefore Jesus was not commanding believers to pay tithe but was simply rebuking hypocrisy that many religious leaders of His day loved to do. The second story about tithe is found in Hebrews 7:2-10, which is simply a historical explanation of the work of the Levites; who were required to accept tithes from fellow Israelites. Therefore, there is neither command nor any strict requirement to pay tithe under the New Covenant for believers – that is the truth!

Nevertheless, they will never tell you this in church or teach you correctly about tithe because tithe is a major income booster in the church today. It does little good and it is indeed a sad state of affairs when silver and gold is valued more than truth.

Also, those who say they pay tithe because they follow upon their father Abraham must also follow up with circumcision – which also began with Abraham. Imitating Abraham also means to pay tithe of your spoils, not your monthly income; once, not every month as did Abraham when he met Melchizedek only once. One last thing you will never be told is that the people of Israel were sometimes commanded to eat their own tithe (Deut 14:22-24).
What about the curse in Malachi 3:9?
Have you ever sat in church with fear, as the minister tells you that you will never amount to anything in your life – you are cursed because you don’t pay tithe? Back to our issue of Covenants; what covenant were the people in Malachi 3 under? Old Covenant – what were the conditions of that covenant? Blessing for obedience and curses for disobedience (read the whole chapter of Deut 28). What covenant are you in as a believer in Christ? New Covenant–What are the conditions of the New Covenant? Through faith in Christ, you are already blessed (Eph 1:3), there are no curses for you if you are Christian because Christ became a curse for you on the Cross (Gal 3:13). Thank you for learning. 

The danger about tithe
It is dangerous to pay tithe because you think you will be justified or saved by obeying the Law.  According to Galatians 5:4, those who try to be justified by the Law have been removed from Christ and fallen from grace. Because the Law demanded to be done perfectly as a whole (including animal sacrifices) without fail (Gal 3:10, Gal 5:3, Jam 2:10). The only way you can please God for your salvation is not obedience to the Law but simply faith in Christ is enough (Gal 2:16). Because Christ is the One who kept the Law on our behalf so that through faith we may attain perfect righteousness (Gal 4:4-5). Not only are we saved through Christ but we are also blessed through Him, with or without any money from us (Gal 3:13-14). It’s also very dangerous for any minister to scare believers who are already blessed through the New Covenant with the curse of Malachi 3:9 – by doing that they ignore, look down upon, and even mock the finished work of Christ on the Cross, who redeemed us from the curse of Malachi 3:9 law (Old Covenant law) by becoming a curse for us. Do you see the danger!?

Abused for tithe
It is no secret that the modern church has gone over the edge just to get people to tithe; from the “you will be cursed” tactic to the “you will prosper” appeal. Let's be honest; those who pay tithe are they not favored in Church today more than the poor souls who cannot afford? Our leaders have become so money hungry and so cruel such that they do not care whether you are sick, unemployed or in debt; they just want tithe! In fact, I have heard with my ears one church leader say, “If you don’t pay tithe, don’t ever call me if you have a problem.’’ Then I ask; what happened to the God of grace? They have changed His image into a money-hungry god who is so needy of your money such that you have to divert all your food money to Him. The true God of the Bible is gracious and kind to do good, regardless of our financial input. If He can give rain and sunshine to murderers and thieves can He now withhold mercy upon me because I used my 10% to buy food for my children? I would rather be abused by the world than to be held in bondage by the same people who are called to protect me. I feel sorry for these servants who have no shame in abusing the Bride of Christ which He purchased with His blood. Just for money! He is coming to give payback (Mat 24:45-51). Some of our fellow brethren who love the Lord have lost desire of going to Church because the church of today has become no money no entry. It has to stop!

What then is the right way of paying tithe?
As we have pointed out, there is no command of any amount under the Covenant of Freedom, therefore it does not matter how much you have decided to give: 20%, 10% or even 100% – As long as you give with a cheerful heart (2 Cor 9:7). Therefore pay your money with freedom in Christ. Anyone who scares you or forces you to pay your tithe is simply doing you a disservice by taking away your freedom that your Lord purchased for you. 

Support the Gospel with your tithe
In a positive way, tithe money is the major source of income for many faithful ministers of the Lord. Therefore, I do encourage you to cheerfully give your tithe, with the attitude of supporting your spiritual leaders who work so hard in pushing the work of the Gospel. Anything you give is an encouragement to the faithful ministers. No amount is too little to the Lord, because He is more concerned with the attitude of our hearts in giving. May God bless you for reading; I hope everything is clear.

Any more questions about tithe, Evangel Africa is always open for discussions. Thank you.

Sinothi Ncube

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  1. Thank you that was eye opening. May God give you more wisdom, knowledge and understanding to continue teaching us.


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