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But, What Is Truth?

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” – John 18:37

What startles me is the fact that a pagan Roman governor in the person of Pilate had some desire to know about something called truth. What boggles my mind, even more, is the fact most of us who proudly profess “Jesus” have zero interest in joining hands with dear Pilate in asking this striking question; what is truth? Our ignorance is evident in our disinterest in Bible study and dislike for those who speak the truth. What about the noise that comes out during prayer time; is there anything close to, “Lord teach me your truth, I want to know”? Me thinks not.

Truth is anything that accords with reality, evidence and facts; anything that is opposed to falsehood, flattery and hypocrisy. According to the teaching of the Christian faith, truth is something that corresponds with what is written in Scripture, without being diluted anyhow. It is that which gives the real facts about the nature of God, man and the Gospel that leads to godliness.

Truth is consistent with the nature of God
Actually, there is something that God cannot do – it’s lying. Truth is part of His nature. In fact, all members of the God-head (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) represent the truth. Following upon the nature of the Father, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, before He assured us that the Spirit of truth (Holy Spirit) was also coming. Therefore don’t you think it’s strange that you claim to possess the tripple effect of truth (Father, Son, Spirit) inside you yet you have no desire for truth, even stomping your ears against truth witnesses? (Eph 4:20-24). I think I have to check my salvation again because something doesn’t add up. Surely every believer must have a burning desire to know truth – unsatisfied with little knowledge we were taught at Sunday school, but to be a Berean; the one who loves to search the Scriptures to see if those things are true (Act 17:10-11). Can you imagine how much truth is now even available for our learning on all internet platforms? But who cares?

Truth must be lived out 
How would you describe me if I claim to be a spirit-filled, tongue-speaking child of heaven yet my practical conduct testifies against that? Simple answer; tongue-speaking hypocrite. You have for many years identified yourself as a Christian, that is a good achievement indeed, but is there practical evidence of your Christianity? After Church, I mean at home as a husband, as a wife, a single person on your way to town – can the people who know you testify on your behalf about the genuineness of your salvation? Can strangers recognize Christ in you without saying a word? What about when you are in your private place? Are you living the truth or it’s all a lie that wears the sheep’s clothing to impress? (1 John 1:6).

Truth must be loved
Truth is often unpleasant to hear but it is powerful to heal. In fact, truth is the only thing that can permanently make a difference in your heart. On the other hand, we have lies and flattery. Such can make you smile a bit – then what?
Begin by embracing the Word of God as undisputed truth. Then you permit that truth to rebuke and correct you – that is part of Christian growth. Do not develop an evil habit of opening the Bible to read only favorite passages; I mean those verses that desireth to prospereth thee. On the contrary, it is helpful to be humble enough to read even the fearful ones that talk about sin and hell. That is part of truth. Also, associate yourself with the people that speak the truth and learn to love ministers that minister truth to your soul. The true sheep of Jesus are those who hear His words of truth and follow Him (John 10:27). On the flip side we have liars that runway from the truth because their father, the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44).

Truth is not an enemy of love
We live in a world that hates the truth, why? Because they are afraid that their lawless deeds might be exposed (John 3:20). Therefore they have come up with an excuse for truthan appeal of love. It is a false idea that those who speak the truth are angry and full of hate. True love actually rejoices in truth (1 Cor 13:6). I wonder what you are talking about when you claim to love God and people yet you don’t like speaking or hearing the truth.

Truth is never easy to speak, however, walking with God you need to learn to speak with integrity and seriousness. To flatter is to praise someone in an untrue way, especially to make that person smile and gain favour for yourself. Remember how Satan flattered Eve with his soft tongue so as to deceive her; is that your definition of love? Dear Christian, please speak the truth! Dear ministers; what hinders you to preach a simple truth? Is it money? Is it so you can keep your position and influence?

Yes, truth is offensive to those whose works are evil as we said, as a matter of fact, history cautions us that those who spoke the truth were often criticized, even worse, they lost their lives because of it. That is the Christian life. Are we here to please people or to glorify our Lord? Didn’t our Saviour warn us with these words, “woe to you when all men speak well of you”? That “gospel” of yours, is the worldly crowd cheering at it? Then something is wrong – I am trying to say you might be a false preacher. But if you have the majority crowd uninterested in your ministry; welcome home! It’s either you join this short line of truth speakers or you add to the long line of liars, flatterers and hypocrites.

Truth must be defended
The devil’s greatest desire is to dilute and change the truth, hence our biggest fight is for the defense of the truth. The truth we have now is received from the previous generation hence we must stand with the truth we have received, and pass it on to our children's children. Imagine a scenario of our own grandchildren learning nothing from us in the way of the Christian truth. Don’t be soft with the truth dear friend, not even for the sake of unity because unity without truth is unity based on lies and dishonesty. A lot is at stake my dear ones; a great majority of people are dying and many are they who go to eternity without saving truth – it is the only hope of changing this world. Finally, each of us will stand on Judgment Day and be asked about the truth we have received. You better find truth now or truth will find you as a liar, latter. It’s not a game!

I leave you with a homework of these questions; How much truth do you know? How much your of life is a testimony of truth? Are you ready to hear more truth or are you afraid of it? How much truth have you told to your friends and how much truth have you preached? What truth has been defended by you? What has truth cost you in your life? May God help us as we all start working towards that direction.

Sinothi Ncube

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