Wisdom from Demons?

Nothing in the life of a Christian is as vital as Scripture. That is, a believer’s faith matures and grows as a result of his regular interaction with the Word of God; read, taught and obeyed. Once you miss the significance of this (your Bible), then you are already living on danger’s edge because anything that comes, any supposed knowledge or teaching is bound to be accepted by your spirit as truth. I say this with a grieving heart because I am reminded of certain ministers and those who follow them, who love what they have labelled as “deliverance.” Which is a highly dramatic event that happens in their churches where demons who possess some individuals are given a fair share of the church’s time and a platform to express their evil and of course, to tell the congregation who they are. What these spirits speak is recorded, believed and applied to the lives of God’s people. For example, if some demonic being speaks through a young woman and confesses that she came into that girl because she wore a piece of clothing that she was given by her aunt, the Pastor would believe that and then proceed to warn his sheep that they must be careful of accepting clothes from relatives because such things come with unclean spirits. In other words, that knowledge from the demon is relayed to the congregation as a teaching to apply to God’s people. This is what I have titled “wisdom from demons.” 

I don’t know about you, but it is so concerning to me that something that is called a Church, the bride of the Lord, can abandon all the knowledge and wisdom that is found in Scripture while option to interview demonic entities so as to discover their “secrets” of how they operate. Then they go on to use that information about demons to apply to the way they live. Here is the real problem with all that...

Demons are liars
If ever, by any chance you believe that demons can be trusted with anything truthful, then you have never read this verse from the John’s gospel, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies”. Which means there is a 100% chance that all that information that comes out when you interview a demoniac is nothing short of fabricated friction. Did you notice that a large part of our Lord’s interaction with evil spirits they were forbidden to speak? It’s because He knows that those things can never say anything worth listening to. Why then would you use three hours of church’s time listening to what devils have to say? In fact, I believe that Satan and his agents are not fools, they know exactly what humans want to hear, hence they are all the more willing to reveal these "secret knowledge" of their kingdom  just to deceive. 

Scripture is sufficient
As I hinted above, beloved, Scripture is enough! It contains sufficient knowledge about God, the devil, angels, demons and even us as humans. You don’t need to get higher knowledge from anywhere else. If only believers could demand that their spiritual leaders give them nothing other than the written Word, by which they will be wise in all matters concerning life and godliness, for their salvation, sanctification and the glory of Christ. What other knowledge and wisdom do you need when you have an open Bible right on top of your knees?

We can then conclude this way: demons have nothing to say to God’s people, except for lies, lies and more lies. Church time is not a theatre for demonic manifestations, but it is a precious occasion dedicated to the Lord and His people, to glorying Him, to pray to Him and to learn through His Word. Once we abandon simple things as these, it’s only a matter of time before we wander off into such foolishness as we see in the African Pentecostal churches. Cry my beloved land!

Sinothi Ncube

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