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I Question The Deliverance Ministry!

All of us are very much familiar with the word deliverance. It is a word that means to visit a powerful prophet in town and he will change your life and rescue you from poverty, marriage problems and a whole lot of ancestral spirits that hinder your business success.

The actual process of deliverance as we all know, means to come forward in a church meeting, lifting up your hands and the minister touches your head so you can fall backwards, faint a few minutes and…you are delivered! It cost me years to learn that all this deliverance melodrama is found nowhere near the Gospel message and the true ministers of the Lord that we find in Scripture. Let’s take this on;

Christ completes deliverance
The word deliverance is indeed a Biblical term that invokes to our minds the Lord rescuing the Israelites out of Egypt, hence delivering them out of bondage. This is a good picture of the Gospel message, which reminds us that we are all naturally in bondage of sin, hence a Deliverer has been provided in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth; hanged on a tree for our sake. Therefore, through the power of this Gospel preached to us, Christ has freed, changed and transformed us into new creatures – the old has gone, behold all things have become new (2 Cor 5:17). The signature text that clearly explains this is Colossians 1:13, where Paul rejoices in the fact that the Lord “has delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His dear Son." The word ‘has’ denotes that this process is past tense. It’s done! The day you believed in Christ you were simultaneously delivered and transferred (moved from one location to another) to the kingdom of light. Question: since Christ has already done such a perfect and complete work of deliverance on our souls, what other deliverance do we need? Why then would you ignore Christ and stroll across town in search of a human deliverer who would – according to you – completes an act of deliverance that Jesus failed to do on the Cross? Let me bring this to the ministers themselves: are you folks saying that Christ's death & resurrection failed to deliver the people in your area, therefore, it takes your anointed hands to complete that work? BLASPHEMY!

Friends, I write this with an aching heart as I recall a certain day in church when a visiting minister was invited, who came to tell the beloved saints that they were under "generational spirits" which hindered them. The only way to deliver them from these curses – they were told – was to give money during that service. The bigger the amount meant greater power to break those curses. What happened next would not amaze you because you have many times seen it yourself. I mean, the people did not waste time to empty their pockets for the “man of God”. What can break my heart more than to see innocent souls denied the freedom and joy that Christ so gruesomely purchased for His beautiful Bride? Only for them to be told that it is "seed money" that would open doors for their lives. Imagine, Christ the King of Kings replaced by money! What will ever break my heart more than to see God’s people living in fear of demons and spirits, attaching themselves to these false prophets for protection when Scripture assures us many times that nothing has the ability to separate us from Christ our Great High Priest, who has not only secured a perfect redemption but also lives to make intercession for us?

There is still a lot to discuss about this, however, today we will end here for one reason, that is, I want you to never forget that the Gospel message is enough. It is through that message that we are told about such a Saviour who has done this beautiful deliverance for us. We don’t need another man-made deliverance. All these men claiming that you have "what what curses" that hinder your progress unless you come to them are actually taking you away from Christ to themselves. That is well-crafted deception! What you and I need is simply to repent of our sins and trust in Christ. In Him and through Him are the rivers of living waters that will satisfy all the needs of your soul. Praise His Name, Praise His Name!

Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole households, teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain.
Titus 1:11

Part II Loading....

Sinothi Ncube


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