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Only Passionate About Two Things!

I believe we must all be human enough to have something that defines our existence and purpose on earth. This is what I call passion. Which, according to the English language, is a strong, powerful emotion towards something. What you are passionate about is what you spent much of your life thinking about; what you are prepared to waste your energy and resources on. Such things even have the ability to influence your decision making. Some are passionate about their sports teams; their emotions are so affected by how that team plays. Others, are passionate about politics, others music and so on. On the same thought, since I am equally a human like everyone else, I have my passions. The things that I will go down to the grave either satisfied about or deeply troubled for its sake. In fact, that one passion can be divided into two categories. These are…

          1.) Getting the Gospel right - Believe it or not, I am a victim of deception. I spent a big eight years of life in church but I never understood what the Gospel is, even the basics of it. The reason being that it was never explained to me. In fact, what I was taught those whole years was not the true gospel at all. It is after I came to the light that realized the importance of getting the Gospel right. Remember these words from your Bible, “If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed”?  It seems the good Apostle was very much concerned about this issue. Which means as believers, we must never cease to seek the truth about this Gospel message. You don’t graduate from knowing this great message of redemption. Either that or one of us we will be guilty of not only being deceived but also deceiving others. Each of us has a mandate to ask this question: what I hold onto now, is it the right thing? Do I really understand the elements of the Gospel message? Do I know the difference between the true gospel and lies? Is what I’m preaching in line with the Biblical message or it’s something that I ran with because I heard someone else preaching it?

Brethren, we must get the Gospel right. The consequences of teaching a false message are serious. People’s eternal destinies are at stake. I don’t know about you, but I have laid aside a large portion of my time and energy to knowing this Gospel – to get it right! So that I will not be guilty before the Holy One of being a false teacher.

         2.)Getting the Gospel out – After we get this message right, it does not end there. But it must be the beginning of something equally important: getting the Gospel out. Indeed, it is commendable to have some good theology within our closets, yet that will not make a difference if we are not willing to get that truth out to those who need it. How I praise the Lord that we are seeing a new generation that is passionate for truth, except I don’t see much efforts in getting that truth out to the world. Lest we forget, the main purpose of the word “church” is to be spreaders of the Gospel.  It’s not enough that we gather on Sunday, sing a few choruses and run back to our hiding holes, passing over dead souls on the street. “How shall they hear without a preacher?” asked the Apostle.

My dear comrades in faith, let’s consider this thing: what investments are we putting towards getting the Gospel out: what are we prepared to lose towards that great cause? Are we even concerned about such? It was William Cary who said something, “I will go down the mine, if only you will hold the rope for me, either way, there will be scars on all our hands.” What it means is that some are called for front line work in getting the Gospel, while others are there to support them from behind the scenes, either way, both camps must put equal efforts to accomplish this great commission. Therefore, find your station and do your part, dear Christian.

Sinothi Ncube

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