Someone Else Will Do It...!
I do a lot of introspection whenever I get a rare chance to be alone. And one of those things I ponder about is my personal walk with the Lord. I reflect a lot on my failures and sins as you might expect, but I also reflect on His goodness and countess blessings in my life. I also think about what would have happened if I wasn’t saved. What if I had chosen to reject this Christ in the first place; opting for worldly pleasures instead? Probably someone else would have been in my place. God would have sought another willing soul somewhere else on the planet who could have grabbed with open hands this lifetime opportunity of being one of the redeemed.
As much as I believe in the Sovereignty of God, and His all-governing plan for our lives, I also believe in personal choice and decision making. That means I believe what you are today is partly because of the decisions and choices you have made. And one of those critical choices you have been presented with is: are you willing to walk with God? Do you really want Him, to be faithful to His cause? If you don’t, it’s fine. The Lord will have someone else do what was first offered to you. It might be that you choose to be a pretender and to do it for the applause of the people. That is also your choice. The good King will find someone else who will be faithful. That is the exact point of our Lord's words, “God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham” (Luk 3:8). Which means that God does not really need us; everything else will continue on just fine even after your funeral. We cannot impress His being with our piety or otherwise. True are the words of this proverb, If you sin, what do you accomplish against Him? Or, if your transgressions are multiplied, what do you do to Him? (Job 35:6) In fact, those religious leaders of Jesus’ time were given their chance to become true sons of Abraham, but they rejected and instead chose hypocrisy and compromise.
Similarly, me and you are making that choice now as we live. Perhaps your goal is to use the name of Jesus to get to the top of the worldly pyramid at whatever cost – truth included. That is your choice. The Lord will simply use someone else who will be willing to stand for truth no matter what. Think of that 7,000 who never bowed to Baal, I mean, why them? Answer: because they chose to. They were – like all of us – presented with the chance to enjoy the pleasures of sin but they turned it down.
I have often expressed the same opinion with the state of the African church today. This outcry about false prophets and scandals in the name of Christianity. Well, they were also given a chance, resources and time to lead Africa to the truth, but they, instead saw an opportunity for power and money at the expense of the Church. And because of that, we are seeing a new generation of faithful ministers rise up. A new breed that is hungry for truth is being unleashed. That is the reason why there is now some conflict between that generation and this new kind. Again I say, if you don’t live for Christ, don’t worry, someone else will...
I consider this a warning message for all of us. That is, choose this day whom you are going to serve. If God be God then go all in for Him. If He is not, then go ahead and do what you please. “Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy” (Rev 22:11). You see friend, don’t ever buy into the false idea that there are no longer any true believers out there. It is evil advice coming from people who have failed to live for the Lord, hence they spend their lousy lives trying to discourage everyone else. True, faithful, Christ-loving citizens exist and are probably more than you know. In fact, this is what the good Lord is calling you to today: to be an uncompromising believer. To be a truth-driven preacher. To be a humble pastor. To be a faithful missionary. To be a godly mother. To be a righteous father. To be a disciplined child. To be a hard-working employee. However, if that is too hard for your soul to handle, go ahead and be a crooked, unreliable, untrustworthy somebody while still pretending to be a Christian. The Lord will simply raise somebody else to be what you have failed. Therefore, the final message is: life is short, God is true, and He has a purpose for your life to advance His glory. Therefore, be what the Almighty would want you to be. What He has called you be. Or else He will brush you aside and use someone else. Peace.
Sinothi Ncube
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