Traditions of Men vs. Being Complete In Christ

Christian joy is one of the greatest gifts that have been bestowed upon us. It is the very thing that keeps our faith going. However, I believe this is one of the missions of the enemy; to rob us of our well-deserved joy and peace in Him. This was Paul's number one concern when He came to the Church in Colosse. His warning was “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ (Col 2:6-10).” It means, dear beloved, your faith is always in danger from people who want to cheat you through empty deceit, traditions of men, and the basic principles of the world. Because of certain limitations, I am only going to zone in on what Paul describes as the “traditions of men.”  Traditions of men are those religious beliefs that pretend to be the law of God, while in reality are just that: human traditions. These traditions end up being believed, and embraced as truth, while in reality they were created (deliberately or otherwise) to enslave believers away from the simplicity and freedom in the Lord Jesus. Paul goes on to assure his audience that in Christ they are complete.  This means having Christ in you is equivalent to having everything one needs for life and godliness. It is to be COMPLETE!

Although I am not by any means compared to the good Apostle, I still have my concerns about the beloved Church in Africa. And am bothered by some human traditions that have also cheated me in my faith for many years while they still continue to cheat many of my brethren as we speak. How can you know when you are cheated by human traditions? Answer: when you start to believe that something is lacking in your faith because you didn’t do this and that. When you have lost your Christian peace, and have come to accept that you are a Christian-less than other believers because you are not doing what they do. Below, I have selected a few of these teachings as an example of what I mean by being cheated by human traditions.

1.) Speaking in tongues  – I am close to tears when I discuss this issue of speaking in tongues because I only know the pain I have endured all these years around Pentecostal circles. The problem is I can’t speak in tongues. I really can’t! I have tried, and I have been forced until I have accepted that it is just not a gift that the Lord has given me. Sadly, not many Christians believe that tongues are not for everyone. To them, receiving the Holy Spirit means speaking with other tongues. Hence they look down and belittle people like us as if we don’t have the Spirit, if not born again in the first place. This ‘all believers must speak in tongues’ thing is a tradition of man that has been passed down through the Pentecostal denomination. And it does nothing but cause division, if not cheat God’s people from their position and joy in Christ. Let me tell you today, beloved,  you are complete in your Lord. Whether you have tongues or not, having Christ means you have the fullness of God in you (Col 2:10). It's not tongues that validate completeness, but it is having Christ Himself dwelling in you. It's that simple.
2.) Financial giving – We have witnessed a new thing inside our Church walls – an evil thing. Which is a high regard for financial giving to the point where churches do giving competitions, can you imagine? Such a thing creates a lot of division and favoritism, which eventually leads to contentions and jealousy among God’s people. Those who cannot afford to give high amounts always find themselves in the shadows of the high givers – the financial pillars as they call them, who in turn get all the praise and recognition.  Some are they who belittle and guilt-trip Christ’s Sheep for not paying a 10% of their earnings. Imagine if you were the one with little to give to your church, not because you don’t love your Lord but perhaps because of your current bad situation. How would it make you feel before your Lord? Wouldn’t such a thing torment your soul until you have abandoned any sense of acceptance from Him who died for you? Of course, it would! Therefore, gentlemen, this mindset that thinks God only favours the high givers is unbiblical. It is one of those human traditions that Paul talked about. Hear from me, you are complete in Christ. It doesn’t matter whether you give a tithe or you don’t. The money you give, big or small does not take away who you are in Christ. Therefore, do not, in a million years, ever allow anyone to cheat you through these things.

Comrades, I have only used these two examples above to illustrate what I am talking about.  The point is that there are many unscriptural traditions that we are using to spiritually elevate some individuals while in turn looking down on other believers. Beware, therefore, lest someone cheats you into the idea that you are not a complete Christian because you do not belong to their church, or because you eat pork, or because you don’t have a car, or because you did not go to some Bible School,  or because you are not baptized, or because you have not prayed/fasted enough, or because you don’t have this and that. All these are just “empty deceit, traditions of men, and the basic principles of the world.” Let us stop belittling those who don’t do like we do, or don’t believe like we do. It's high time we look at believers, and highly regard them in light of their position in Christ, not on what they possess by human standards. Just as their Lord sees them. As long as one is in Christ, what else are they lacking? I ask. For the last time I say, you are complete in Christ, believe it!

Sinothi Ncube

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