Is there Really A Difference Between Christianity & Other Religions?
Sooner than later, you will face the reality that there are many belief systems out there; who are well represented by their devoted followers. Hence you must be ready to answer the question: what about them? Does God exclude all those people from the gates of heaven when they are so dedicated and trying to seek Him through their religions, or is His mercy wide enough to include everyone, regardless of the religious group they belong to? What really is so special about Christianity that makes it distinct from other faiths? I don’t have enough time or paper to discuss all religious systems out there, however, let’s consider what is called the “major religions of the world.” To get to this, let’s tackle the core issue, namely salvation. According to these other beliefs, how does one get “saved” to enter heaven?
Apparently, Islam makes up 24% of the world’s population and it is somehow the fastest-growing religion of this century. Muslims believe that to get to paradise, one has to repeat the Five Pillars throughout their lifetime. These are: believe that Allah is God and accept Mohammed as his prophet, pray five times a day, do good deeds (give 2,5% to the needy per year), observe the Ramadhan fast and visit Mecca at least once in your life. However, if you do all these five things, there is still no guarantee that you are saved. Only giving your life as a martyr for Allah can guarantee a Muslim’s entrance into paradise.
Jewish people believe in a national salvation. Which is a state of prosperity and peace that will unite all Jewish people and the world when Moshiach (the Messiah) finally comes. However, one can be saved in the spiritual sense when he is part of the nation of Israel, does good deeds, and dedicates one’s life to observing the Law of God.
Hindus believe in millions of gods that can do different things for them e.g. a cow is a god, a rat is a god, a tree can be a god etc.). However, for one to enter Nirvana (a state of eternal peace and perfection) he has to be reincarnated (die & be born in another place as a different person) several times until one becomes purified from all evil. Then they are promoted into being one with Brahman (God).
Similarly, Buddhists believe you can attain Nirvana and merge with God once you live your life denying your body sinful desires, meditation and understanding the universe.
If you concentrate closely, you will notice some similarities with the above-described religions. That is, salvation is based on human effort. You have to earn your way, do something; try to please the Almighty through some good dead or something, hopefully, He will reward you with salvation. This, dear comrades, is where the Christian Faith stands alone. According to our Gospel, salvation is a gift; you don’t earn it by your effort but you receive what is freely given to you. Our message is clear: your “good deeds” cannot save you. You can do all your fasting and feeding the poor but it will not wash your sins. You are – like the rest of mankind – morally depraved, twice dead and unable to approach the Holy One. Until He Himself, came down and took it upon Himself to die on your behalf (you guilty sinner), then He now extends His hand of mercy to all men everywhere, to receive (have faith in) what He has done on the cross. Therefore, the difference between the Christian Faith and all other beliefs is just one word – GRACE. Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, but it is a gift for the guilty.
The second peculiar factor about the Christian faith is the new birth (“Nicodemus, you must be born again”). It means that salvation is not some mere moral reformation that one decides to do, but an individual is regenerated by the Holy Spirit into a new creature. Hence that person doesn’t need to force himself to stop the sin he loves, but he is miraculously transformed and given a new heart that automatically desires to please the Lord and runs away from sin. For this reason, Christian believers never force anyone to join the faith, but we simply plant the seed of God’s Word and God does the hard part of changing the heart unto salvation.
Finally, Christianity is the only faith system that believes in the triune nature of God. He is not just a lonely Allah, but He is a relational God who is three persons in one Being of Himself. Hence He was able to reconcile sinful man with holy God when He died a death that only humans deserved, through a payment that only God could satisfy.
Let’s wrap it up. I purposefully crafted this document to inform us about the exclusive nature of the Christian Gospel. A reminder that salvation is found in Christ alone; there are no different ways to God. It’s one God, and one Mediator between God and man; Christ Jesus (1 Tim 2:5). Therefore, mark it down that Muslims and the like are not your cousins in the faith. We consider them lost without God; until they come to Christ; through repentance and faith. Therefore, next time you befriend anyone who belongs to one of these religions, such is an opportunity to share the Good News with them. Tell them about the holiness of God, our sinful nature before Him, and the deserving punishment, then you introduce the wonderful story of His death, and resurrection, then finally, invite them to take their first step towards their eternal redemption. May the Lord equip you in that area.
Acts 4:12 - And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Sinothi Ncube
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