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There Is No “altar” That Speaks For You!

Somebody said, “There is a difference between a seed and a sacrifice for your altar. An altar will always speak on your behalf in situations. The bigger the amount for your altar, the bigger the results for your breakthrough”. As shocking as these words are, they came directly from the mouth of one of the leading grandaddy “prophet” of the African continent who goes by the name Duncan Williams. Here is another quote, this time from a preacher called Joshua Selman. He says, “You will die like a chicken if you do not understand the mystery of altars. An altar is a platform where the realm of the spirit makes contact with the physical realm on legal grounds. Every spirit, including God, is at the mercy of a body or altar, to find expression.” One last quote from another fellow, I think they call him Michael Orokpo, “As long as you have an altar, God is on your side…The moment a man understands the role of an altar, he can summon the spirits. Spirits are legalistic beings, the moment you know the way of the spirit, you can manipulate that spirit. And one of the ways to manipulate spirits is by altars”.

If you are like me, you are already confused as to what these men are talking about. I mean, where do they get these things? Nonetheless, allow me to break down for you what this altar teaching is all about. According to them, an altar is any holy place or some super-anointed man who sustains you through his prayers, prophetic declarations, anointed stickers, anointed pictures, etc.; so that your life will not be touched by “destiny locusts”. This man of God, or I should say Altar, must be in turn, maintained through your financial input – the bigger the amount, the greater power will it effect on your business, or whatever else you desire in this life. They also believe in something called “evil altars.” These are believed to be some sort of witchcraft or evil spells that your wicked aunt somewhere in the village casts upon your life so that your life will always be “stagnant.” Therefore, they argue that you need to raise an altar (have your own altar), that is strong enough to counter those evil altars, or something like that nje. Believe it or not, there are people, I mean very good, intelligent church folks who sincerely believe that their faith is being held by “altars” that fight for their destinies (whatever that is).

As you know, we have been working overtime to warn you about popular demonic doctrines such as the generational curse doctrine, the doctrine of the firstborns and a whole lot of nonsensical beliefs that have plagued the Church in our beloved black Land. And I have always maintained that everyone is entitled to believe whatever their freedom of religion allows them to believe. However, when it comes to the Christian Faith, there is already a system that makes up the Biblical message, hence we all have to adhere to that Christian Gospel, lest we are found propagating false gospels that were designed to take away from the finished work of our Redeemer. Therefore, beloved, I praise the Lord that He led you to read this will know that this altar doctrine is nothing short of heresy. I mean as heretic as you can get. These are the teachings that will make you believe that your Christian faith is not complete until you “raise a certain altar” by getting connected to a certain “man of God” or giving a certain “seed” amount to the false prophet.
A quick glance into the Old Testament will remind us that an altar was a simple pillar of stone or wood, which God’s people utilized to offer animal sacrifices to the Lord. Is there anyone who still doesn’t understand that all those things were pointing to the ultimate Alter and Sacrifice that was manifested at Calvary, where Jesus, the Lamb without blemish was sacrificed to take away the sin of the world? Therefore, the only altar that your Bible wants you to know about is the Redeemer hanging on the cross for your sake. It’s His blood that speaks better things for us, not some seed money! Anyone who tells or leads you into any other altar than Christ crucified is playing hide and seek with your precious soul.

Just to repeat what I have been saying for as long as I can remember; it’s not right to borrow ideas and beliefs from the tradition of our cultures and then Christianize them. If you are like that, it means you don’t really know what you believe in; anything that comes can easily toss and turn you in any direction. Good doctrine matters, my comrades, it is the very thing that anchors us in this Gospel message.

These are my last words: The Christian faith begins and ends with Christ; who He is and what He has done on the Cross – no more, no less. Hence we must apply Him to our lives. It is in that sense that I plead with you; stop listening and supporting these men who are preaching such heresies and return to your single-minded devotion to Jesus. He is enough! If He is for us, who then can be against us (Rom 8:32-39). I think I have said enough to inform you about these dangerous things and have also pointed you to the right one that you must hang on to in your walk of faith. With that, I take my seat.

Sinothi Ncube

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