A Gospel For The First Born Only?
If there is something that Africa has become famous for, it is the weird things that are happening under the umbrella of Christianity. Some of these things are so ridiculous so much that you would imagine that no normal human will ever give them attention. Amazing is enough, these lunatic beliefs and doctrines are the very things that have been embraced joyfully by the most intelligent/educated souls among us. With much embarrassment, I bring to light another doctrine that has also surfaced over these past years, I think. It’s the gospel of the firstborns. It says that there is a spirit (or whatever), that attacks every firstborn in every family. And of course, the next story is that a powerful “man of God” needs to deliver you if you are the firstborn of your household, otherwise, that spirit is going affect the whole bloodline through you.
I personally know a certain family that was told to contribute moneys each, then give it to the Church so as to break those kinds of curses. There were told that there are family “evil alters” that were set by their grandparents, hence without the “breaking of those alters”, they would all have problems in life. As if that is not enough, some churches even go further to do special services and prayers for the firstborns. In fact, I recently saw a Facebook poster that advertised these kind of events. Each firstborn was invited, regardless of whether they were believers or not. Upon researching this further, I found that there are many services that are called “Foundational powers deliverance service”, “Deliverance from placental bondage service”, “Alter versus alter service”, “Goliath must die service” and “Let my people go service”. And you can guess that such services involve chantings towards these so-called evil family spirits. The final result is that those who attend these shrines will not leave those places before they empty their pockets to the “man of God”, to break the curse, they are told. Remember how I warned about The False Gospel of Generational Curse? Well, this is also slightly similar except that the so-called curse applies only to the firstborns. It brings to my mind a sermon preached by Conrad Mbewe at the Strange Fire Conference when he said that, basically many of the African church leaders are witch doctors. That is, they adopted the same tactics, methods and even beliefs as those traditional healers in the rural areas.
Sometimes I wonder, what really entered into the African church for it to be so far removed from the true Gospel of the Christian Faith? Imagine, for more than 2000 years, have believers, from all walks of life, stood with this Gospel message without wavering. Many have lost their lives trying to defend this, only for the modern false prophets to come and ruin all this with such blasphemies.
Sometimes I get a little weary of repeating the same thing, yet I think I would say it – just one more time. That is, the Gospel, beloved, is not about some family spirits (just erase that nonsense out of your head). It’s about sin; your sin. That God in His holy justice condemns all of us sinners, and in His loving grace saves us, based on the finished work of His only begotten Son. That grace is received as a free gift with the condition of repentance and faith. It does not matter if you are first born, middle born, or last born – all that is irrelevant! Use that first born principle only in your family inheritance meeting, then you come to Jesus and be forgiven as a guilty sinner. Then you become a new creature; behold a new journey with the Lord awaits!
Friends, it’s high time we put an end to darkness, and to put on the glorious light of the Gospel message! I mean, it’s time for us to clean the church of these foolish doctrines that were designed for fundraising and it is the moment to rediscover that old truth, fresh from the Bible. This is the opportunity for us to vindicate the truth of Christianity and to expose those liars who disgrace the name of Christ in their greed. Take your stand!
Sinothi Ncube
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