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The Double Minded Man

Here in our black continent, almost everybody identifies themselves as Christian. It has become part of our culture. However, if you were to set a 24-hour camera on all those individuals who profess Christian faith, it won’t take long to notice that being a Jesus follower to them means nothing beyond lip service. I mean a great number (save a few), still continue to live their lives the same way they would if there never was anything called Christianity. There is no difference at all, in character and conduct between a man who has never darkened the church door with many who proudly wear the church uniform. Why is this so, considering that believers are known for being distinct individuals who have for 2000 years turned the world upside down with their teachings and their practical impact on societies? To get to the roots, look no further than the fact that a great mass are comfortable with a warm-weather kind of Christianity that neither requires nor demands anything from them. They can profess faith in Christ and still hold on to everything else under the sun, no matter how unchristian it is. It’s the double-minded ones.
A double-minded man is the one whose mind is divided between two belief systems that are opposite to one another. This is common in Africa where individuals can show interest in the belief in God, they can rejoice in His redemptive work and even show some dedication to religious activities, only for them to quickly turn around and join hands with those who consult the dead, mediums and spiritists, seers and false prophets. Such people are dangerous even to their own souls, especially when they are desperate for success or healing. I hope I am not describing you, my precious reader.
A double-minded individual has a heart that desires two opposite things in equal measure. They can have a legitimate hunger for spiritual things, a desire to know the Bible, an interest in the Gospel, and an enjoyment in church fellowship while at the same time being appealed and inspired by the carefree sinful lifestyles of the world and the glamour of the rich and famous. Such people are devoted to Christ as long as it is convenient at that time, only for them to change their chameleon skin at the slightest sight of tribulation, temptation and persecution.
A double-minded so-called believer is evident because what they say with their tongue and what they do doesn’t match. They can be so loud in their love for Jesus, while in church company, then as soon as church people are out of sight, off they go to some hidden sin. Their faith is only for show, while in reality, the saving grace of Christ never located them one bit. Only earnest prayers from God’s people can save such a sorry individual.
To describe such a double-minded “believer”, the book of James uses the keyword “unstable”. An unstable someone is a confused person. They don’t know what to believe, and why. They are tossed to and fro by any new teaching about anything. It’s impossible for such people to clearly explain even the basic things of the Gospel message because their minds are full to overflowing with a lot of ideas that contradict. Such a mess.
An unstable person is impatient. He cannot believe the promises of God, nor can he wait for the Lord’s direction, His way, in His own time. Instead, such individuals are always running to quick solutions; from consulting one traditional healer to visiting another latest prophet in town. These are the ones who even have no interest in heaven or the coming of the Lord because their world is today and the now.
An unstable person is a desperate individual. Their spirit cannot rest in the finished work of Christ and on the sovereign governess of the Almighty. Rather, they are always on the edge, ready to run even when nothing is happening. Worse if any calamity, sickness or death happens in close proximity, all their faith in Christ quickly vanishes and is replaced by anything they are advised could change their situation; Biblical or not, who cares!
One who is unstable has no root in faith, no firm foundation in biblical truth and zero strength to endure under trials. Which means anything can come and sweep them away from truth, be it temptation, or false doctrine. They are just, as the writer says, “wavering up and down, like the wind.” Such a person cannot benefit anything from the good Lord. Such a shame.
What then is the solution to double-mindedness?
Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and make your hearts pure, you double-minded – James 4:8
The first step is to draw near to God. That is to ask yourself; do I really want God, or there is something else I want in His name? You endeavour to seek Him, out of a pure heart that wants to be saved by Him, regardless of whether you are sick or in good health. The next step is “cleanse your hands, you sinners”. That is repentance, which is the fundamental ingredient in our faith in Christ. True repentance is not just to be sorry for your sins, but determination to change and live a life that is pleasing to Him. The final step is to purify your heart from double-mindedness. That is when you set your mind on being fully trusting in Christ, being content in who He is without consulting spiritual gurus, being patient (enduring) under trial and rooting all your belief in the truth of Scripture while aiming to live out that truth practically, without hypocrisy. Therefore, from today, may we all start a new journey; a new fresh page with our Lord and give Him the honour that He deserves by being single-minded in our service to Him. Hallelujah!
Sinothi Ncube

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  1. Powerful explanation

  2. I think you must also write these articles in our own language Ndebele


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