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Depression Among God's Children?

The topic of depression is a rare one among believers because we are envied as “the people who have it all together.” Yet the truth is, God’s people – as Redeemed as they are – are still humans, who also have their fair share of the emotional troubles of the planet earth. I can prove my point by pointing to Biblical examples such as Moses, Job, Elijah, Jonah, John the Baptist and Apostle Paul who all came to a point where they despaired of life itself.

Depression is more than just having a bad day; way more than being unhappy about something. In fact, you can just wake up one morning and dread the very thought of living through that day. Other signs of being depressed include a feeling of continuous sadness and worry; being upset at people for little or no offense at all; when you constantly feel isolated and lonely even in the midst of others; when you have a continuous sense of heaviness as if all the world problems are on your shoulders; when you often wake up at night and can’t sleep; when you feel tired all the time, without ever doing any hard work and when you even think about your own death more often than normal. All those are warning signs that something is not right with your soul.  One has said it well that depression is no endless sky, but it’s just no sky all at. In a few words, depression is simply complete hopelessness.

Some people think that poverty is the cause of depression, yet the reverse is true. There is statistically a large number of depression and suicide cases among rich and celebrity individuals than they are among low-class citizens. So much for “money is the answer to everything.” Others imagine that life is harder now than it was before, and to some extent that is true, but I think all humans, from all history, have always been burdened by the issues of this life, one way or the other. “Man is born to trouble as soon as sparks fly upward,” are the words from the oldest book in the Bible.


1.) IDENTIFY. The basic solution to any problem is identifying the source of it. Just as David asked himself, “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?” Yes, there are many cases where individuals cannot pinpoint what exactly upset them. But I think you can if you ask yourself the ‘when?’ question. That is, when did this thing begin in the first place? You will realize that there is something that happened (or didn’t happen) in your life that became the cause of your emotional despair. Personally, the number one sponsor of my low moments has been my struggles with sin. Being a Believer means I set very high standards for my life (and thus good), but when I fail to meet those standards, I find myself at the bottom with no hope of ever getting up again. Until the good Lord comes, and graciously restores my weary soul to the path again. Therefore, the first step is to identify the real cause of your emotional turmoil; when did it really begin?
2.) TALK TO GOD. The best thing about us believers is that we have Someone who not only created us, but also cares for us. “Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you” (1 Pet 5:6-7). Often times during crisis times it’s hard for God’s people even find time to talk to Him. But if you consider that there is no other way to for you except the very God who made you, you will make time. Tell Him your current state; be honest about your despairs and ask for the grace to come out of it. After all, you have nothing to lose but your pride. Talk to your Maker.
3.) TALK TO PEOPLE. For believers, I do not recommend consulting psychologists and mental therapists of the world. “Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?”, asked the prophet. Believers have the church community for that very reason; to carry each other’s burdens (Gal 6:2). Therefore, do not die in silence but speak to your Pastor, the elders, or other believers that you trust. Close family members, for example, your spouse or your sister are also a good option. From experience, I have learned that some of us who are ministers often suffer in isolation and loneliness because we have no one to confide in during dark days. The reason is that everyone looks up to us; they expect us to have it all together. That is a bit sad, but it is what it is. Pastors are also humans like the rest of mankind, hence they also need your support and prayers. As humans we were not designed to carry the burden of life alone, we need other people. Therefore, talk to people; tell them that you are not fine.
4.)   LOOK TO CHRIST. No matter who you are or what you are going through, there is no other hope in this life or the next, apart from Christ. What He did on the cross is so powerful that it meets us at the point of all our needs. Therefore, never forget that it's not about who you are and what you do (or don’t do) that defines your life, but what Christ has done on the cross. God’s people must not be in total despair; there is hope in Christ the Redeemer! Look to him every time and at all times. Remember, we don’t live by our perfection but we live by His promises. His ultimate promise for all of us is that “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls
There is also another positive type of depression which is connected to an awareness of the holiness of God in light of our sinful condition. The Bible calls it conviction. Conviction is when you are depressed because you know that you have offended the Almighty, which then paves way for repentance. This is what Paul describes as sorrow that leads to life. On the other hand, there is another sorrow that leads to death (2 Cor 7:10). That is the deadly disease that has infected many of us today. Depression is a killer. Whatever you do, do not ignore any signs of depression in your own life. If all else fails, you can consider worldly therapists with their professional help. There are also suicide helpline numbers, depending on which country you are in. Remember, you are a human being, you have worth and purpose that your Creator has in store for you, He has also displayed His love for you that while you were still a sinner, Christ died for you (Rom 5:8). Therefore, please do not lose hope to the point of contemplating death. Being alive itself is a great blessing that we dare not take for granted. Troubles come and go, emotions shift and moods change, but you only have one life; make the most of it. Shalom.

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God - Psalms 42:11

Sinothi Ncube

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