5 Qualities of a Good Church

Suppose you are looking for a church; a community of local believers that will serve and be served by you, not only for your growth but also for the wellbeing of your children, what characteristics would mark that good church? I tell you from experience that church hunting is one of the most heartbreaking activities you will ever do. We are all aware that when it comes to churches today, we are in the book of judges where “in those days was no king and everyone was doing what’s right in their own eyes” (Judg 21:25). As much as worship buildings continue to fill up every street corner, it is still a proven fact that good churches are as rare as gold itself. 

Before we go far, let us be sure that there is no perfect church. One has said it well that if you ever find that “perfect church”, don’t join it because you will mess it up. Regardless, I still argue that there is something called a “good church” as compared to the bad ones that have flooded this good land of Africa. How then would you recognize it if you were to scarcely come across it?

1). Commitment to Scripture
This needs a little bit of a discerning mind because even the worst of the cults can claim some commitment to the Bible. When I mention commitment to Scripture, I mean a ministry that knows that the only way to save lost sinners, sanctify believers towards holiness, equip saints into ministry and mend broken marriages, is not the pastor’s personality, not his eloquence, not worldly techniques and technology, not even his private dreams and visions but the Bible – Sola Scriptura! A church that delights in opening that ancient Book, and seeks to teach it (verse by verse if possible) and then applies it to your life accordingly – that kind of a church, as rare as it is nowadays, is a very good church. That is where you, your kids and your grandkids belong.

2.) Elevating Christ, not a man
Be very wary of any church where the leader is always the center of attention. Have you noticed how many churches today make much of their church “father”? What he says and does is always in every member’s lip. Testimony times have nothing to do with the great work of redemption that Jesus has accomplished but are all about “our anointed man of God.” Even when that man takes to the pulpit; get ready to hear all about him, stories of what he does because he’s such a “man of faith.” At that time you must wonder; where is the glory of Christ in all this? Dear ones, it’s Jesus Christ the Lord who is the hero of our faith – the very captain of our salvation! Therefore, do your soul a good favour and find such a congregation that makes much of Him.

3.) Exemplary leadership
Do you want to be led by someone whose mouth indicates to the right while his feet turn to the left? There is a good reason why Paul said, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1). It’s because he knew that there is nothing as worth following as an exemplary leader; one who really practices what he preaches. To quote the good Apostle again, “Do not let anyone despise you because you are young, but be an example to believers in word, in faith and in purity” (1 Tim 4:12).

Therefore, when you have found someone you think might be a good shepherd for your soul, first watch his life, not on Sunday when he’s putting on the religious mask, but on Tuesday and Wednesday when he is not in church. If you have more time, investigate his social media profile and what he posts online – his wife too. That will tell you a lot about him, then you make a decision if he is the right man to lead you in your walk of faith. Yes, do that.

4.) Evangelist driven
The chief reason for the existence of a church in a society is the salvation of souls.  It’s that simple! I note this with amazement because churches today are so busy with conferences, programs and what else, all to the neglect of the biblical command, “go and make disciples of all nations.” Gone are those days when you regularly met some “soul winners” along the road; trying to bother those who pass with the message of salvation – that is just not fashionable anymore. Just think about the finances that churches invest today, all for the advancement of the camping services, ladies' out seminaries and man’s retreat this and that. In turn, very little – if any at all – is given towards the equipping of evangelists and missionaries to the harvest field.

Hear my wise advice, if you ever spot that kind of a congregation that has a passion for the lost in your area, know that it’s where you deserve to be.

5.) Church discipline
This has disappeared completely even among the best of God’s people. That church members are held accountable for the way they live and behave; publicly and privately. And if one of them is found to be living in some sin lifestyle, steps are taken by the leaders to deal with that accordingly. Depending on the severity of the offense or the repentant attitude (or lack thereof) by the sinning brother, discipline varies from temporal restriction to permanent ex-communication out of the church. What I often hear about this issue is something like, “well, we must not judge people, we will chase them away from the church; no one is perfect.” A million times no! Paul encourages us God’s people to judge those who are in the church and to take necessary measures to protect the name of Christ, and the wellbeing of His people (1 Cor 5:11-13). If we do not uphold the purity of the Bride of Christ, the world is going to infiltrate it until there is no difference between the sheep and the goats. This has already happened.

Friends, I know that I have set very high standards here that one might argue it’s impossible to attain by any gathering of believers. Yet I am not prepared to back down. The church must be held to a high standard if we are to see real revival in our society. In fact, these are the biblical qualifications of the true churches of the Lord Jesus, which I believe still exist today – somewhere. If you are lucky enough, you will find such a church. If not, then whatever body of local believers you find yourself in, pray and do what you can to exercise your gift to effect change from the inside. Happy hunting.

Sinothi Ncube 


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