Discerning Maturity In You

On this platform, we don’t desire to waste your precious time but to give you that kind of truth that will add value to your Christian life. On that line, this is the day to discuss maturity. Mature individuals are needed in all aspects of society but they are urgently needed especially in the house of the Lord. As I write, there is already an embarrassing level of immaturity in the Church today, from the front end of the pulpit to the back row of the pew. There are many individuals who are aged in years, while some are quite experienced in Christian circles, yet very childish in their Christ-like conduct. On the opposite end are those who are relatively new to the Gospel world, yet surprisingly mature in their Christian walk. Before we go far, let’s be clear that no one can reach perfect maturity in this life. We are all babes and learners before the great Teacher Himself. Regardless, there is still some level of growth that proves that one has progressed in their relationship with Christ. How then can we notice those who are grownups in their faith walk? More so, how can you judge that mature conduct in yourself?

1.) Godliness
A godly life is one that is more like God in character. Another term for this is Christlikeness. It has a practical element to it. Hence, someone who projects godly character is the one whose behavior and speech prove that they are a believer indeed. If we are to use the language of Galatians 5:22, we would say that them whose lives are marked by the fruits of the Spirit such as self-control, patience and faithfulness are mature believers. If you can recall, this was Paul’s concern about the Corinthians in that first letter, that although they were fairly a large congregation, their immature conduct made them indistinguishable from unbelievers. Therefore, it’s not a bad idea to examine your level of Christian maturity by the fruit and character of your life. Otherwise, you become guilty of being experienced in Christianity while your conduct says the opposite.

2.) Responsibility
A while back, we posted something called “Believers are responsible citizens, in which I defined responsibility as a level of maturity that gives an individual the determination to do what is right. To know that you are expected to do some things because you are accountable to fellow humans. Therefore, as we mentioned, a mature and responsible Christian will seek to work for Christ without being pushed. He or she will seek to work for own survival without being a burden to anyone. He or she will pay the necessary bills and debts in time. He or she will say thank you to helpers and will apologize to the offended. He or she will partake in social activities such as funerals and anything else that shows consideration and care for others. Therefore, it’s good to prove your maturity through your responsibility in little things such as these.

3.) Ability to teach
A mature Christian is that individual who knows enough about Christ, and His Gospel so as to pass on that knowledge to others. Paul instructed Pastor Timothy to ordain only those individuals who were able to teach (1 Tim 3:2). These were the mature ones. Again, is it not concerning that the modern church has thrown away this maturity principle when selecting men and women for leadership? Instead, friends, relatives and big money givers have been favored for such positions. As a result, the Church will continue to be a laughing stock until we all grow in truth and are able to teach others also, so that we can also discern those who are fit for leadership roles.

4.) Response to suffering
Pain and suffering come in many forms. And as long we are here on earth, Christian or not, suffering will come in the way of diseases, loved one’s death and many other life’s troubles. When that happens, the immature ones are evident by their impatience, and bitterness against the Lord for allowing it. I know some who even abandoned their faith never to return after they lost their jobs. It takes those who are grown enough to understand that God sometimes displays His love and care through our suffering. In the end, “all things shall work together for good for them that love Him” (Rom 8:28). Remember that apostle who faced insults, stoning, beatings, shipwrecks, journeys often, perils of robbers, weariness, sleeplessness, hunger, thirst, cold and nakedness; all on top of that painful thorn in the flesh (2 Cor 11:24-28)? Yet his only response was, “I would rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest in me (2 Cor 12:9).” Dear friend, your Christian maturity will be laid bare when pain and suffering strikes. How would you respond to it?

5.) Reaction to critics
As good as our Christian religion is, not many will clap hands for you once you take a stand for your Master and His truth. The world hates Me, because I testify of its evil, therefore, if the world hates you, keep it in mind that it hated Me first”, were the words of our Saviour. Hence criticism will come for you beloved, regardless of whether you stand for something genuine or not. Yet your response to it is all that matters. As I always say, God uses naysayers to humble us, to bring us to prayer and to cause us to examine ourselves in many ways. Therefore, you are not grown in your faith when you react with anger and revengefulness towards those who speak evil of you. I have seen this even among experienced ministers who hate being ill-talked about so much that they dedicate their entire sermons lashing back at their haters. At that time, Christ’s sheep would be hungry for the true Word. That is a clear sign of immaturity. Instead, we are admonished to be mature enough to pray for our enemies and to bless those who persecute us. Amen.

Let’s come to a conclusion. The Christian walk is not just a mouthful talk but a visible proof of growth and development. Therefore, my fellow heavenly countrymen, may we all be vastly dissatisfied with our present state. And yearn for progress and improvement, until one day we reach that level of Christian maturity that is obvious in the eyes of others, including the eyes of unbelievers. May we not cease to cry out in prayer and to seek out in Scripture the fullness of the Spirit of Christ that will bring us to full maturity. Best of wishes in your walk with the Lord.

Sinothi Ncube


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