The Others; Is God Unfair?
First we are told about a group of believers who were the heroes of faith, who through faith did great things and archived a lot. But there is another set of believers who were the opposite of the heroes – these were simply referred to as The Others.
Notice the following differences between the heroes and the others;
The heroes were famous names; Gideon, Barack, Samson, Jephthah, David and Samuel while the others have no famous names; they are just anonymous and seemingly unimportant.
The heroes did great things of note; they subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, stopped the mouth of lions, quenched fires, and escaped the edge of the sword - but the others were not so great; instead, their lives were the opposite of great achievement; they were tortured, had scourgings, imprisonments, they were stoned, wandered in goatskins in deserts and mountains, they were afflicted and tormented.
It also says that the heroes received their promises while the others did not receive the promise.
It all raises the question as to why God would treat his children differently; promoting some believers into great heroes whose names forever go into history while allowing others to live miserable lives of suffering?
If you observe your life in comparison with those around you or if you look at the lives of different people around you will realize a difference in the measure of blessings in each individual.
Some are great people who have archived great things; some even have famous names that everyone wishes to be…but there are others who are not even known; will never be known, who have archived nothing that is worth mentioning—does that mean God ignored them?
There are some who are healthy, maybe you are one of them who has never approached a hospital, or you have a private doctor who makes sure you are fit and strong, but there are others who were born with medical conditions. We thank the Lord if you can walk, and talk, and hear and see…there are others who live on wheelchairs and crutches, some use sign language to communicate, while others cannot totally see – does all that mean God is unfair to make them that way?
Some are born in rich families where everything is provided or maybe you are one of those who have worked very hard to get rich….we thank God for all that – but there are others who are not so rich like you; in fact, there is someone somewhere who has nothing called money in their pocket; they don’t even know what they will eat before the sun goes down…does that mean God doesn’t like them to allow them to live that way?
As we speak, you may be inside your room, with enough blankets and windows to hide you from winter and rain, yet there are others who sleep in the open cold all the days of their lives – does that mean the Lord favours some people more than others?
Notice how some people live long lives, some even get to 120 years. Yet at the same time, there are others who die as children, some lose their lives as young as 20 or 30 yrs. Why does God do things this way, why not treat everyone equally and give everyone an equal share of grace?
Lesson #1 God loves all humans equally, but He has given each individual a different measure of grace according to His will and purpose. Therefore do not have pride in what you have that others don’t have or what you have archived that others have not – but be grateful for the grace that the good Lord gave you (Rom 12:3).
Lesson #2 Never look down upon, or laugh at those who are less privileged or those who didn’t get what you got, instead, use that special gift or position for the benefit of others for the glory of your Maker (Phil 2:3-4).
Lesson#3 If you are one of the others who are not so great, or who don’t have much achievement like some people or who has a sickness or physical disability – don’t be bitter and angry at God because He knows why He made you that way and gave you that life. Instead of comparing your life with others, be grateful for that grace that He gave you and know that He loves you as you are; He made you with a purpose of His glory (Rom 9:14-18).
Lesson #4 God has loved all humans equally, and has demonstrated that love by dying for all men, including you; therefore do not miss that grace by comparing your life with others…come to salvation and you will be welcomed with open arms. In Christ, there is no more important person than others, but all are one and are treated equally (Gal 3:26-28).
Lesson#5 All of us have imperfections and problems. Some of us have got pains; in body and heart, disappointments and disabilities….but God has promised us that the afflictions and pains of this life are temporal. There is coming a day when our King will come and clothe us with new bodies…no more sufferings &pains. We will be in the presence of the ultimate reward of our souls; Christ Jesus, therefore let us set our eyes on Him, love Him and serve Him and serve others with whatever measure of grace that He has given us individually (2 Cor 4:16:18). I take my seat.
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