God; Why Don't You Do This And That For Me?
One friend of my mine bombarded me with these questions; if you say God is love why does He not give me a better life than this one? Why do I have to work so hard just to get food? Why did I even become a black person, in fact, why does a loving God allow all these diseases that kill us?
These are actually real questions that many of our well-meaning friends struggle with every day of their lives. Let me admit something; for a moment I had no answer – just stunned. I am sure you can also relate to something like this in your life; just why did God give you this life? Why did you have to go through whatever you went through while some people seem to cruise into life? If my Lord has enough power to change my life today, why doesn’t He do it then?
All these questions may sound like an unsolvable X, but the reality is, there is a simple answer to all this. By the way, what was the initial question? Why doesn’t God do this and that for me? Answer; because He is God.
Our wrong view of God is the problem. We have reduced the Almighty Lord into an Almighty servant. Your servant’s job is to do your will – to run when you say run and jump when you say jump; to do what you want when you want it. I am sorry friend, that is not the God of the Bible. Prophet Daniel presents a God who does as He pleases on earth and in heaven, with no one to stay His hand or to ask Him; what are you doing? (Dan 4:34)
Dear friends, we must all learn to get over the idea that God must serve us. He created us to be His servants not the other way round. To come to Him and ask, Lord what is thy will for my life? It means we see Him as the governor of our lives who has a sovereign right to give us whatever He decides to give us and to not give us whatever He has decided not to give; all according to His will, purpose and pleasure.
Yes, we don’t have all we want, and probably He won’t give us, but we must always learn to be grateful for that which He blessed us with, starting with life itself. Certainly, Scripture encourages us to ask the Lord for that which we do not have, even a desperate cry for help is heard. That is the purpose of prayer. However, it’s all according to His will. What is wrong is the bad attitude of entitlement; being angry at God because He allowed your loved one to pass away or blaming Him for every difficulty you come across in life – as if He owes you something!
He is not a man but He is God. He is the Creator and we are creatures. This means He has permission from Himself to do what He wants with our lives, when He wants it. Again, the fact that God does as He pleases does not mean He is unloving. Of course, He loves us. His love is not defined by doing what you want in your own time but by what He decides is right for you. As a child, I never wanted to go to school. I thought sending me to school was the most cruel abuse that my parents ever did to me; especially in winter. Yet today I am grateful because my parents knew what was right for me. I wasn’t left to my foolish choices...but I had good guardians to decide on my behalf.
If only we can let God be God over our lives and stop accusing Him of what He doesn’t do for us. Let's embrace the fact that He is sovereign (has all control). In the end, all things shall work together for good according to His eternal plan. Amen
Sinothi Ncube
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