Those Who See Visions, Gather Here, I Have Serious Questions

Come to the front if you sincerely believe that you have seen a vision, or an angel or an encounter with Jesus, or any other extraordinary spiritual experience. Some of us are just common Christians, we have not seen any of those things. We don’t know how it feels like to have a tour of heaven with angel Michael while still on earth.  Therefore, we always have questions about such encounters. If you happen to be one of those lucky Christians, and you don’t mind, please enlighten us and give us answers to these questions:

How do we know it’s true?
We are definitely not denying that the Lord Jesus Himself appeared in your bedroom, the problem is that we have no way of verifying it. For a start, you were alone when this happened; there are no other witnesses besides you, how then do we know that this encounter really happened? Do you have any other evidence of this event beside what you tell us? Therefore, we will always be suspicious of your visions and encounters. We don’t’ trust them because we have no way of knowing whether it’s true or it's something that you cooked up. What do you say about that?

How different are you from other deceivers?
Throughout history, there have been countless false religions, false prophets and the like. Guess how they introduced themselves? They all claimed to have seen visions of angels i.e. “God appeared to me and said this…” Examples: Prophet Mohamed the founder of Islam, Joseph Smith the founder of Mormonism, Ellen G White, Kenneth Hagin,  Kacou Philippe….and many more. All these guys have one denominator: extra-ordinary visions. Which were the baseline for their strange doctrines. Therefore, how are you different from them? How do we know that you are not a modern version of those guys? My point is, considering the amount of “God spoke to me” liars flooding our world today, how do we take you and your visions seriously?

Should we add your revelation to Scripture?
Since you say that you went to hell and saw this and that, and came back with a message to tell us; a message that we didn’t know. The question is: should we then add that new revelation to Scripture so that other Christians can read it and preach about it also? I mean we already have a complete Bible, with every revelation that we need, however, since there is now something new that God has revealed – thanks to your vision, should we then add it to the Bible considering it is also a word from God? Why not? What about those believers who lived and died long ago before you came to give us this new message from your visions; they missed such important knowledge, don’t you think? Poor souls.

What spirit?
Again, we are not doubting your supernatural encounter, it’s just that we don’t know the kind of spirit you are operation with. No matter how loud you scream the fact that you are being used by God, that still is not enough to convince some of us because everyone claims the same. Even Sangomas plead allegiance to the Spirit of God. So, how do we know the source of your supernatural ability? Do you know that you can have sincere motives of serving God yet still operate with a strange spirit without knowing? If you deny me on that, I would ask: what do you think it means that "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light "(2 Cori 11:14)? How then do we trust your encounters since we don’t know what spirit inspires you with those things?

Why are your visions different from each other?
All of you who claim to see visions have one thing in common: you all tell us contradictory things from your encounters. How come the one you serve always changes his messages with every individual? Who then should we believe?

What if you are wrong?
We are all human enough to make mistakes. Therefore, in the case of the angels that you think you saw, what if it didn’t happen? What if all this was just a figment of your imagination? What if you are confusing your gut feeling, or wishful thinking as the word from God, while in reality, it was just that: just a dream. Are you willing to risk the faith of others by telling them things that you yourself are uncertain about? Do you understand the consequences of lying in the name of the Lord; telling people visions that never happened?

What is your motive?
Yes, why are you going into details about your visions? Okay, you did have tea with angel Gabriel, how would that help us after all? How will it help you? Are you sure that you are not using the visions story to get control of the people’s loyalty and to gain relevance with them? Don’t you also realize that you are taking God’s people away from Scripture and instead are leading them to the authority of your personal experiences? What about confusing their minds: don’t you think it’s more confusing to baby Christians to introduce a new message from your private encounters that is not found anywhere in their Bibles?

Do we really need your visions?
If you say to me, “But my visions do not contradict Scripture,” fair enough, then we don’t need them, do we? Why do we need your visions to tell us something that we already know from our Bibles? What’s difficult then for you to teach us the Bible directly? Is chapter and verse not enough to grow Christ’s sheep according to you?

These are the concerns I have for people who claim to see angelic visitations, dreams and revelations. I still have many more questions shut up within my bosom, Lord-willing, I shall release them before I leave this world.  My message to fellow heavenly citizens: never trust anyone’s angelic encounter or dream more than you trust your Bible. In fact, because of the above concerns, you have every Christian right to question, ignore and even reject the visions of others. You will be far safer, and certainly less confused, when you are content to live by the direction of Scripture. This is what I have determined to do myself. So help me Lord.

Sinothi Ncube

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