“The Gifts of God Are Without Repentance” is Not An Endorsement for Falsehood!

Nothing is as critical to the Christian well-being as the correct handling of Scripture. On the other hand, nothing is as corrupting to a believer’s entire belief system as the careless application of Bible verses. This is certainly true about a certain sect of Christ’s Sheep who are of the opinion that the good Master is so tolerant of lies, sin and falsehood such that He will give men ministry only for Him to leave them to do as they please; commit every sin and teach every heresy. Apparently, the Almighty cannot, He simply does not know what to do with gifted preachers regardless of how they live. Because “His gifts and calling are without repentance.” 

I have called this urgent meeting today for us to review and discuss this critical issue. What does it mean that “His gifts are irrevocable”? The verse is found somewhere in Romans 11, here it goes…

Romans 11:28-29 As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

What is the overall context of this text? Is it ministry gifts? Certainly not – not even close! The topic of this passage is Israel. That is, has God cast away His former people that He foreknew? The writer goes on to argue that as much as they are current enemies of the Gospel, they are still the elect nation of God who will also be saved in the future, because “His gifts and callings (on them) are irrevocable.”

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with applying this statement to the overall scope of God’s people, to us as believers, for example. It is true that this calling and the gift of this salvation are without repentance on God’s part. We have assurance that we are not going to wake up tomorrow to discover that salvation has been taken from us. He saved us eternally and securely in Christ. 
The big problem, however, arises when one begins to imagine that “the gifts of God are irrevocable” mean one can live as they please; do immorality as much as they can and God will still be okay with it. That is the dangerous handling of Scripture that I hinted above. Scripture contains countless warnings about unrighteousness among believers, read the book of Hebrews for example. In fact, take a look at this one verse from the KJV…

Colossians 3:25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. 

It means God has no favourites when it comes to evil. It’s not true that some believers are allowed to sin because God cannot revoke His callings and gifts. You will not find that in any Bible. I have noticed that this false idea is always applied to ministers. I mean those church leaders who are obvious false teachers because of their immoral lifestyles and heretic teachings. It’s them who are defended by their followers that it’s okay when they do such and such a sin because apparently, they are God’s favourites; He can’t do anything about them; He continues to use them because “His callings are without repentance.” I am sorry, you have been lied to.  God is holy, hence He will not use dirty vessels, not in a million years. Some try to use bad examples like King Saul, or King David to support this idea of immoral leaders being used by God. However, I do not think that I must do a Bible study lesson for someone to learn that Saul was rejected and even died because of his sin. David also had a prophet especially sent to rebuke him for his evil, even after that, his own family suffered severely because of God’s discipline for his sin.

Do you remember Jesus’s answer in Mathew 7:22-23, about those ministers who were doing miracles in His Name? He said, “away from me you workers of iniquity.” It means those guys were self-deceived into believing that their “gifts” of casting demons in the Holy Name proved that they belonged to Him, even though the character of their lives proved the opposite. In fact, try to think of it this way: if God can have His Spirit inside a person while endorsing that person’s falsehood, doesn’t that undermine His holiness altogether?  Do you see the problem?

I am only compelled to close this way: Brethren, let us stop this evil habit of torturing Bible verses to endorse our immoral church leaders. Christian ministers must be held to a very high standard by us believers. Why should we defend those who are damaging the reputation of our Lord’s Name; making us a laughing stock to the eyes of the world? Secondly, this must be a warning to all of us. That is, if you know that you are not right with the Lord in the way you live, don’t hide behind the fact that you speak in tongues or anything you do in the Name of the Lord. Because there is a high chance that you do not have the true Spirit of Christ. The Holy One does not endorse immorality. I extend this caution to you who is a minister of this Gospel yet living in iniquity. Don’t comfort yourself that you have the Anointing, but fear that your lifestyle is proof that you and Jesus are far from each other as Jerusalem is from Babylon.

Indeed, the Christian life is not perfection, yet it is not lawlessness either. Instead, true Christianity is a direction of repentance and growth in our Lord Jesus. If you have sinned, don’t make excuses about it, but repent as soon as possible and return to the path of righteousness. There is no other way around it. Meeting dismissed.

Sinothi Ncube

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