What Do Earrings, Tattoos & Hairstyles Contribute to Your Salvation?

It is a bit of a bother that I have to repeat the same teachings again and again. Nevertheless, it seems like that is the learning method of every human.  To get the same truth again and again or as the Lord says to Isaiah, “…precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little,” until people get it. Nothing concerns me as the fact that a vast number of believers still find it hard to understand the basics of the Gospel message –  in this whole continent of Africa! No matter how clearly the Gospel has been explained, it still happens that somebody can pop up from nowhere and start telling believers that they are going to hell because of makeup, artificial hair and every other thing they are doing to their bodies. Personally, I am never moved by such things because I know what and who I have believed in. I have also assumed that Christ’s sheep are wise enough to discern the error of such teachings. However, believe it or not, those seemingly ridiculous things capture some believers – away they are swept with the empty philosophies and the traditions of men. 

Here is the thing, when someone says you will be disqualified for heaven because of fake nails this and that, they are actually implying that doing these things – following those man-made rules is what qualifies you. It means salvation (heaven or hell) is based on these things; what you wear or don’t wear. Question: is that the Gospel of our salvation? 

Brethren, please learn this and weld it deep into your heart: SALVATION IS BY FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE. It's not faith plus do this. It's not faith plus stop that. To believe in what Christ has done for you is enough for your soul. That is the heavenly qualification. And the reverse is true: not believing in Jesus is what disqualifies you. When you go to hell, you are there because you didn’t believe in the work of Christ, not because of the perfume you sprayed

You see friend, whenever someone puts a heavenly qualification on other things other than the finished work of Christ, you will know that you are dealing with deception. Your salvation is by no means dependant on what you can do; but on what Jesus has done. What they don’t tell you is that no one can do enough to be perfect. There will always be a stain of sin upon every soul. Our works are as filthy rags to the Lord, according to Isaiah (Isa 64:6). That means our works can be enough to pump our egos, but they are never enough to wash our sins. Trust in Christ, believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved! Not believe and then do something to qualify for heaven. Believe in Christ and that is enough. By faith, you get clothed by the perfect righteousness of Christ and are immediately a citizen of heaven – already seated with Him up there. Do you understand? 

Therefore, earrings, makeup and hair all contribute NOTHING to your salvation. If somebody believes that these things are improper for Christians, so be it, but that does not mean that they will go to hell because of it. That is legalism. Which is a belief that the way to impress God unto salvation is through outward observation of religious rules. Legalism uses the law of God and adds more on top of it to condemn believers who don’t meet that man-made standard. That kind of teaching is more poisonous than a black snake in the bush of Africa. Read the book of Galatians and be warned by Paul’s anger at how believers were quickly  “bewitched”  by deceivers who thought being circumcised contributed to their salvation. 

Another thing, let God’s people know today that THERE ARE NO BELIEVERS IN HELL. Christ’s sheep don’t go to hell; there is no condemnation for them that are in Christ (Rom 8:1). "Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us (Rom 8:33-34). Therefore, next time you hear someone claiming that believers are burning in hell be sure that you have met a false teacher right there. 

My final warning is let us be weary of the visions men. I mean those guys who think they are so special that God meets with them in private corners to discuss things that are not Scripture. Scripture is enough dear beloved. We who have set our eyes to live by that Book alone are never moved by anyone who claims to have dreamed a message from Jesus. However, if you are not satisfied with what the Bible offers; then go ahead and be confused by the visions of men.


Sinothi Ncube

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