Beware of the 'image' Minister!
The world has a very smart way of advertising their brands. That is, they look for the most famous celebrity, pay him a large some and placard his portrait on some billboard. The idea is that people will be attracted to buy that product because of that famous personality. Somehow, some very clever minister discovered that trick and decided that the Gospel message wasn't enough to draw men to Christ. He also needed to make a beautiful portrait of him hugging his wife and through that, citizens would be so impressed until they have no choice but to come to his church. I challenge you to visit any church building these days, and you will not wait to be told who the founder of that denomination is; he will be displayed right on top of that church house. Am I the only one who thinks there is something severely skewed about this whole thing?
Brothers, do we really believe that the Gospel is powerful enough to convert sinners? If so, why then do we resort to these tricks and gimmicks to bring canal men to church? I mean, are we really bringing men to Christ or to ourselves?
When Paul wrote the first letter to the Corinthian church, the first thing that concerned his soul was that believers were now too impressed by human leaders. "I follow Apollos, I follow Cephas I follow Paul,” they said (1 Cor 1:11-13) I am sure some of them would have voted to erect a huge billboard with Paul’s face somewhere in the centre of town. I’m sure some of them would have gone door to door handing out flyers of Peter’s upcoming revival service. I’m sure some of them would have used “testimony time” to tell other believers all about their anointed preacher called Apollos whose prayers were so powerful. In all this, I don't think they could ever answer Paul's question, “...was Paul Crucified for you?” It means the only thing that those Corinthian brethren were to be concerned about was the One who was Crucified for them: Jesus Christ our Lord. No more no, no less. This, dear friends, is what a true believer like you should be impressed about. In your conversations, in your preachings, in your testimonies, in your daily life activities; Christ should be your all in all. Because you will die and I guarantee you that your human leader, pastor or prophet will not be there when you take your last breath. He wouldn't die for your sins even if he was paid a million dollars to do it.
You may say to me, but you also have a picture of yourself in your internet profile, what do you say about that? I answer: there is a vast difference between a picture that is put up for identity purposes (so that people may know who you are), and an advertising portrait that is hung on the wall because of the leader’s personality; to draw men to his church. To use the words of Paul Washer, “If you use canal means to bring men to Christ, you are going to keep doing those things to keep them coming.” How about this quote from Charles Spurgeon, “If men will not come to hear us preaching the Gospel, draw them by no other means.” That is why your Pastor always puts a new picture of himself in every program announcement. Because it is not really about Jesus but it's all about him. He is the brand ambassador of his own ministry. Such a man, I warn you, will not lead you to Christ for the salvation of your soul but he will recruit you to help grow his worldly empire. That, beloved, is not a Gospel minister but a businessman.
Comrades, join me in mourning the day when the Church changed from the pure house of God that taught a simple Gospel message into a brand that must be advertised using the Pastor’s image with his wife. Oh, how I pray that one day, the Lord will raise for us a new generation, that will know nothing among the people except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. I wrote this so we can all take note of this error, pray about it, and in due season, correct it. Peace.
Sinothi Ncube
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