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There is No Coming Revival, Just Perilous Times!

We have always been taught that there is a great revival coming in the Church. I can’t count how many “prophecies” I have heard where people are assured that God is about to do a spiritual renewal and outpouring on earth, resulting in a mass conversion of souls. Some even believe that the so-called awakening will produce material prosperity on the part of God’s people, right before the Lord comes. I believe that idea might have been interpreted from Joel 2:28-29, which – according to my study –seems to be the closest advocate for a last-day outpouring. To some extent, I admire that understanding, because it shows that believers are expecting the Holy Spirit to work and to change the current state of Christianity for the better. Nonetheless, I have to say sorry for the spoiler, because there is no coming revival, just the opposite.

Firstly, it’s not my intention at all to discourage God’s people from praying for a revival. For a start, I have been praying for an awakening myself all my years as a believer and will continue to do so.  Nevertheless, I must read Scripture honestly and thoughtfully, and also pass on that biblical truth to others. Therefore, even if we are to put aside the fact that Joel 2:28 might have already been fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, I still advise that we must labour to read the whole of Scripture so we can balance and compare verses before we come out with a certain doctrine. Because the Bible does not talk much about a last-day revival than it does about a last-day falling away. For example, if you were to study the words of Jesus Himself, certainly you wouldn't miss these words, 

Matthew 24:10-13 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.  And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

Have we also considered these other passages?

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,

2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition

Take note that these perilous times that Scripture emphasizes are not so much the physical hardships or the economic downfall, but it is a spiritual turmoil. It is when things get bad in terms of the Christian Faith itself. When the Gospel is abandoned and people wander off into motivational skits to gain the worldly crowd. When coming to Christ is no longer free, but when you are required to pay a “one-on-one fee” to meet the “man of God.” When widows and orphans are no longer cared for by the Church, instead, the Church turns around and milks those poor souls so as to fund the lavish lifestyle of the Pastor. When ministry success is no longer measured by godly fruit, but by large numbers that come to church. When Scripture is no longer the inerrant Word of the living God, but when believers look to their private feel-good experiences to validate truth. When sexual misconduct is not only overlooked but when preachers themselves have no problem with raping women in the name of God. When ministers care more about titles and the riches of the world than the true heavenly riches that are found from knowing our Saviour.

Gentlemen, as we already know, these realities are unfolding before our eyes. Things are bad, but guess what? It will only get worse! Try to think of the Church about 30 years ago, and compare it to these days when going to church is now spiritually dangerous for your wife and kids than sitting at home. I don’t even remember the last time I heard the word “holiness” on a Sunday service. I mean, who can raise a hand to tell us that the message of the coming of Christ, or heaven are regular sermons in their church? No, it’s now all about 5 steps to your successful destiny. Things have really changed and they continue in that downhill spiral.

But, as for you…
By far, it is disheartening to see this falling away around us; to witness some of the best ministers that we looked up to, starting to compromise and to tone down on truth. However, let me encourage you with these words from our Lord, “But, he who endures to the end will be saved.” It means that amid that chaos and confusion, there will be those who will remain faithful and will endure until the end. Because the Lord will sustain them. That is encouraging, at least to me. Hence I want to be one of those faithful souls. The second encouragement is that the Gospel will still be preached (Mat 24:14); truth will still advance and people will still be saved, in the midst of that great apostasy. And who will be preaching that Gospel? It is us, me and you; the faithful ones. Our Lord will still empower His people through His Spirit to continue proclaiming this truth, regardless of what happens. How about that? Whenever I study about these last days' wicked things, I often land on these uplifting words, “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it” (2 Tim 3:14).

It means, as a believer, while liars continue on deceiving and being deceived, as for you: be faithful to Christ. When others are looking to live double lives of immorality and compromise, as for you: discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness. When some are looking to themselves for strength, as for you: stick your head in the study of the same Bible and make time for prayer. When others are out trying to gain popularity and fame at the expense of truth, as for you: stay calm and content with serving the Lord in humility; with what He has given you. While believers are losing passion and desire for the Lord, as for you: put your hand on the plow and advance forward in the proclaiming of His Gospel.

Somebody has said well that these are the worst of times but also the best of times. This means as much as things seem to be bad, such is an opportunity for us to demonstrate the power of Christ in us; to serve our Lord and shine bright in the eyes of that crooked generation. After all has been said and done, God, through His Helping Spirit will give us strength to represent Him and to persevere until the end. Because even today, He still has that 7000 who have not bowed their knees to Baal. Arise and be one of them!

Luke 21:28 - Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” 

Sinothi Ncube

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