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Why Do You Believe the Bible?

“Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you”, says the good Apostle. Speaking of defense, what if you were driven into a corner with these questions: Why do you believe the Bible anyways? What if it’s all a bunch of lies, stories and old wives tales that were just written by some white guy who had nothing better to do? Really why do you bother with that old-fashioned book?

Believe it or not, some of these questions and doubts can rise up even within the hearts of the best of us – especially during painful trials. As always, it is my duty to help you as my fellow brethren, with such difficult questions, so that you may have clarity and confidence in your own faith, while also answering back (kindly) to those who challenge you. These are the sure reasons why we trust, believe and obey the Bible above everything else on this planet…

Because Jesus believed it
I believe there is no greater defence of the accuracy, and divine authorship of Scripture than from the Son of God Himself. By the time He was on earth, the Bible was already in circulation, albeit it was only the Old Testament. Which means He did read it Himself – the very same Old Testament we possess today! And not only that, but He also believed that it was the Word of God. Here is an example…Matthew 21:31-32 –“… have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

Ever wondered why our Saviour illustrated His teachings with figures like Noah, Daniel, Solomon, Moses, Jonah, Sodom and Gomorrah? Why didn’t He question the credibility of those events? It’s because He believed, or better yet, He confidently knew that those were true historical events that happened. You will be amazed how many times our Lord did or said something and validated it with “It is written.” In fact, according to something I googled, Jesus quoted the Scriptures more than 80 times, which means He knew that there is something more to that Book than we give it credit – it is very inspired, Word from the living God! Even more, it is only Jesus the Messiah who claimed that all of Scripture was a testimony of Himself, hence He came to fulfill what was written. Therefore, my Lord’s stance on Holy Scripture should be enough to convince my doubtful thoughts; that God has spoken, the Bible is true, it is what it says it is, hence we can also have confidence that the Christian faith is real and relevant; firmly standing upon the solid foundation of Biblical truth. 

Because it is doctrinally true
The word doctrine simply means teaching. What the Bible teaches can be tested for its truthfulness when applied to the real world. Let’s think about it, the world we live in is full of evil, brokenness and death, just as the Bible teaches that the sons of man have their hearts full of madness and wickedness, which has constituted this painful world of thistles and thrones. Not only does Scripture tell us about the problem of evil but it also points us to the solution, which is returning to our Maker through the only Way He has provided. Therefore, I encourage you to read what the Bible says about God, nature, marriage, eternity, and even the future… it’s all according to what the Bible says it is.

Because it is historically accurate
The good part is that Scripture mentions events, places and people that can be traced historically and found to have existed. For example, the nation of Israel with its Jewish people is still there today, a city called Jerusalem exists, and other things like the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, etc. We can also talk about some archaeological discoveries such as the clay pots and scrolls, to remind us that indeed those people that we read about in our Bibles belonged to real communities. Even some non-biblical history can confirm that there was someone who was called Caesar the Roman emperor, just as he is mentioned many times in Scripture. Therefore, if our Bible was all fallacy, don’t you think it would fail the history test, but lo and behold it passes with flying colours!

Because it is scientifically true
Most people believe that science and the Bible are polar opposites, oh how wrong! For a start, a scientific experiment is simply the process of testing something and then making conclusions based on that observable evidence. It is scientists who tested and observed that the earth is a sphere, and guess what? The Bible had already taught us that long before that through this verse: “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in” – Isaiah 40:22
How about the scientific fact that blood is the source of life in every living thing? Too late! We already know that through the Word of God. It says, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls…(Lev 17:11).” Do you still need any more evidence that the Bible is as scientifically accurate as it can be? I dare you, whenever you have time, do research about that and you will find out amazing scientific facts about the Bible that no one ever talks about.

Because it is prophetically accurate
Prophecy is simply an accurate prediction of some future event. If you were to take the Old Testament, which was written hundreds of years before the New Testament era, you would certainly not miss its prediction of what would happen to the world, particularly the people of Israel. And guess what? It all happened the way it had been predicted. The Messiah who was to come, did come, at exactly that time that had been predicted; born at exactly the same location as it was according to the prophetic word. Therefore, it proves beyond any doubt that Scripture can be trusted, not only about the things that have happened but also about the things that are coming in the distant future. It is that accurate. 

Because it is experientially verifiable
I reserved this for the least because I know the danger of appealing to our personal experiences (which can deceive). Regardless, I think it’s only fair that I am given freedom to concede that I have personally believed this Bible; I have practically shaped my life according to its teaching and yes, I have not been disappointed! This Bible has changed me, and it is still changing my life in many ways. And I am not ashamed of that because it proves – at least to me – that that Book is indeed the Word of God as it says it is.

Dear Christian brother, take heart. That Bible you are carrying there is the very Word from the holy God; “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Heb 4:12).” Therefore, do not be shaken one bit when some self-proclaimed “philosopher” tries to ridicule your confidence in Scripture. Come what may, but we will not be ashamed to believe that Book. We will preach, teach and above all, we will demonstrate the Word in the way we live. Let the enemies dare us if they can.

Sinothi Ncube

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