
Showing posts from July, 2023

Depression Among God's Children?

The topic of depression is a rare one among believers because we are envied as “the people who have it all together.” Yet the truth is, God’s people – as Redeemed as they are – are still humans, who also have their fair share of the emotional troubles of the planet earth. I can prove my point by pointing to Biblical examples such as Moses, Job, Elijah, Jonah, John the Baptist and Apostle Paul who all came to a point where they despaired of life itself. Depression is more than just having a bad day; way more than being unhappy about something. In fact, you can just wake up one morning and dread the very thought of living through that day. Other signs of being depressed include a feeling of continuous sadness and worry; being upset at people for little or no offense at all; when you constantly feel isolated and lonely even in the midst of others; when you have a continuous sense of heaviness as if all the world problems are on your shoulders; when you often wake up at night and can’t sl...

What Is the Christian Opinion About Aliens?

Because I grew up in the rural areas, my mind has no vocabulary about anything called an alien. That is something that came to my knowledge later in life, mainly through the movies. And thus what I have always believed aliens to be – just movie things that have no realistic significance to our lives. However, it seems like the Alien phenomenon is more real than we care to know. You just have to type on Google and read multiple stories of Alien sightings around the world. In fact, just about a month ago, multiple news websites reported that “ an American community claimed to have seen an object in the sky flying over Las Vegas, weeks after a family claimed 10ft aliens with large shiny eyes were in their backyard and police footage filmed a strange light in the sky ” ( Daily Mail, Wion, Inside Edition [ 21 June 2023 ]). I have always been skeptical about the fact that these so-called alien creatures seem to appear in America more than in other countries. Anyways, the point is that the r...

Lessons from the Kings

This is one of those articles where we take a break from critiquing and blaming each other but we all come along and just learn the Bible. After all, most of our disagreements and misunderstandings are based on Bible illiteracy (lack of Bible knowledge). In all honesty, I enjoy Scripture. I am one of those people who get really annoyed when I hear a preacher talk long about what he does with his wife, with very few or no Bible at all. It’s just the same old human wisdom that does nothing to edify our hungry Christian souls. We are going to look at the kings of Israel, mainly from the books of Kings and Chronicles, and see what we can learn from them. If I may remind us that everything written, especially in the Old Testament was recorded for the learning and warning of us to whom the end of the world has come ( 1 Cor 10:6, Rom 15:4 ). God takes leadership seriously “Since I exalted you out of the dust and made you leader over my people Israel, and you have walked in the way of Jeroboam...

What Really Went Wrong With Pentecostal Churches?

The Pentecostal denomination is by far the largest denomination in Christendom. In fact, there has been an unprecedented multiplication of these types of churches in these past years such that where ever you turn, you will face a Pentecostal church. Sadly, as big as that denomination is, it is now well-known for all the wrong reasons. Now before I go far with this, let me first acknowledge that there are problems in every Christian denomination (Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic); we all bear a measure of guilt for the scandals that are happening under the umbrella of the Christian Church.  However, it’s fair to say that Pentecostals are leading in that direction. All this flood of false prophets and a whole lot of nonsense in the name of Christianity seem to come mostly from within Pentecostal walls. I hope we all understand that I am not being critical for the sake of being critical. For a start, although I don’t identify myself as a Pentecostal, the fact that I have spent all my Chris...

Winning the Private Battle

There is nothing as important to the Christian Faith as the public image. As a matter of fact, it was for this purpose that our Saviour was publicly crucified. Not only that His redemptive work may be clearly displayed to everyone, but also so that all can choose to openly follow Him. Which means being a Christian itself is a public display of what one believes; just as we see the Apostles also calling people to repentance in the public arena ( Act 2:38 ).  That is, it’s important for everyone to know who you are and where you stand with regard to the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence we can fairly conclude that anyone who does not show any evidence of public display of what they believe is questionable if really they are in the faith. Regardless, as much as the public persona is a necessary element of a believer’s life, there is still something more important: the private life. What a person is at glance, must be an overflow of what he is up close. If I may dare to use myself as an illust...

How Can You Recognize That You Are A Member of A Cultish Church?

I write this for one reason, that is, I know that my time is short. Hence I have no time for fooling around, instead, I need to do my part, and add value to my fellow Christian brethren. I am aware that valuable things like this ministry have no public interest, however, God always has a remnant of His people that want to learn and grow. For their sake and also for the future generation are these things written.   A summary of the word ‘cult’ is any group, church, or organization that claims to be Christian, yet it publicly or secretly denies the fundamentals of the Christian truth, while holding onto anti-Gospel belief systems. I have below, outlined a few marks of a cultish group.   Salvation is through that group or leader A cult leader works overtime to convince his followers that he is the only servant of God who is spiritual enough to solve all their problems and to be the source of their salvation. Such an individual usually claims to represent Jesus, yet instead of poi...