Something To Think About!
I don’t know about you, but I – once in a while, after all is said and done – find myself alone to my reasoning. This is the time when I really come to myself, I mean this is where I start to think...about life. Something like: what’s in store for me in the future? Will I archive all that I dream to archive before I leave this earth? How many years do I have left in this world? When and how will I die? In fact, what if this is my last year on earth? What will happen to those who are dependent on me?
But above all, I ask myself; is there really a God, a heaven, a hell and those things that church fanatics love to scare us about? What if that Bible book is wrong about all this and there is nothing really to worry about? Just religion trying to control our lives – perhaps. But…what if the Bible thing is really true and there is really a Day of Judgment and a burning hell waiting for my soul on the other side? What if I realize too late that indeed all these things were true and I am squandering a precious opportunity to get my life in order?
Well, thanks for pondering that thought. As a Bible teacher, it is my duty to remind you my dear precious friend that yes; your days are numbered on planet earth. You do not know what tomorrow holds, in fact, a 100 people die every minute, every hour it’s 6 000. The numbers rise to 145 thousand every day and by the time we get to a year, more than 54 million humans would have passed away. Death will kill us all! And here is what you must do:
As much as it’s a good thing to have a funeral insurance, it is much better to prepare for your eternal insurance. You do well not to waste this life; all your time and energy chasing worldly pleasures, which will all be left on your grave while you go on to meet the very God you ignored your whole life – unprepared! You say to me: how then shall I seek this God? My Bible tells me that you are fallen in sin because of Adam your grandfather. All your deeds, hidden and open, lies big and small, evil heart thoughts and loose words have all ascended heavenward to grieve the Holy One, the very God who made you. His anger towards your guilty self is already boiling to the lowest hell. But wait! There is good news! The very God who must judge you for all your un-ending wickedness has displayed His loving kindness through His own Son, the same who became sin for your sake so that you can have the perfect righteousness from the Righteous One (2 Cor 5:21). If you will, my friend, run with light speed to the all gracious King today, you shall find pardon; free of charge! Oh, how I pray that you may behold Jesus of Nazareth, hanging on the cross for your sake! Don’t push this off, tomorrow is the devil’s day while today is the day of salvation, now is the appointed time! “Whoever calls on the Name of the LORD”, says the preacher, “will be saved!”
Be thankful
In light of our initial thought about the fleeting moment of this life; it is also helpful to once in a while sit down, and consider, that the good Lord has been gracious to you until this day – in many ways! This I marvel, that no matter how unconcerned I have been about the Lord, His goodness continues to flow. I am neither a rich nor a famous somebody, yet I am certainly satisfied that I sleep in warm blankets and with a full stomach. Oh, friend; is there anything you are thankful for? Fresh air and fresh water, work and leisure, friends and family, yes even life and wellness are all gifts for the Father of goodness who gives without variation. Like all things; gratitude is an art that you must do right to teach your own heart.
Be purposeful
I turn my attention towards those who pride themselves as believers; that is, since we have all been given a limited time on the earth’s surface; we do well to live our lives for our King. And to correctly represent Him in everything we do. Let us run this race well my brethren, behold the finish line is just around the corner. I bet we have all heard the famous cry from the Saviour of souls Himself that the fields are ripe for harvest yet labourers like me and you are still hiding in shadows. Give your short life on the planet a testimony and be busy for your Master. Do something that gives Him glory and contributes to the salvation of His people. Let us not be dogs that do not bark nor silent spectators, but let us run towards the raging battle; for this is where Christ’s glorious victories shall be won. Allow death shadows to approach and find you at work. I leave you to think. Ciao!
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