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The Virtue Called Humility

Humility is the rarest treasure you will ever find on the earth’s surface. After all, the world we live in strives on pride; everyone works overtime to promote themselves towards the centre of importance – to prove to the whole universe that they are better and smarter than the next man. You don’t have to live with someone very long before they inform you about all their talents and achievements
. Believers, however, their calling is to sail against this worldly stream and imitate their Master who “did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death (Phil 2:6-8)”. How can we keep ourselves humble in the midst of this evil world? How can you identify that seed of pride to correctly deal with it? Keep reading;

Repentance is the beginning of humility
Repentance is a deep sorrow because of one’s sins. It is when you know that you have offended the righteous God and you humbly go to Him in desperate need for forgiveness – confessing that you are a sinner with a willing heart to turn away from your sins. The opposite of this, of course, is what we call self-righteousness. This is a prideful attitude of thinking yourself to be holy enough and having done all that needs to be done to merit God’s favour. A good example of the difference between humble repentance unto salvation and a prideful self-righteousness is in Luke 18:10-14, when one man could not even look unto heaven while the other stood high and pronounced how much he fasted and paid tithe. Don’t we see the same behavior in many religious persons today who waste no time to announce their own good behavior? That is proof that such have no experience of what it means to repent. May we use such lessons to examine ourselves in light of real humility that brings true salvation.

An over-realized self-worth
There is a thin line between a healthy understanding of your value as a creature before your Creator and a prideful over-the-edge sense of self-importance. Indeed the Lord has graced every one of us with unique talents and gifts that others don’t have, yet it is a problem when your own mind deceives you into thinking that the sun would stand still if it was not for you. Believe it or not, there is no shortage of such individuals who – according to them – are so super “anointed” such that even God Himself would not survive without them. I wonder what it takes for humans to learn that the earth has a long history of “great men of renown”, who thought they were invincible until death humbled them into non-existence. This ought to keep all of us in humble gratitude towards the Almighty who knows all about our end from the beginning.

Hatred for correction and fear of criticism
Another element of pride among believers manifests itself in the way of a mentality that thinks it has acquired so much wisdom and information above everyone else until there is no room for advisers and critics. That is called arrogance. We have to learn from the good Apostle, who, after writing as many as thirteen books of the New Testament, still went down to his knees and cried, “…that I may know Him…not that I have already attained it but I press on, that I may lay hold of that which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me (Phil 3:10-14)” The best teachers remain students all their lives, according to the old proverb. No matter how much you think you have learned in the matters of religion, there is still a lot to learn. Those who proudly say, “I know all about the Bible” actually have no idea of what they are talking about. Many times the wise King has lessons for us in places and in people most unlikely – even from our own critics. Therefore, let us all learn to listen to the naysayers, who knows? Perhaps they have got legitimate concerns about us that we would do well to examine and then correct.

The entitlement mindset is that evil mentality that thinks it deserves to have certain things, at a certain time. Hence it blames most of its problems on other people and even upon the Almighty Himself. Such are never thankful for anything, in fact, their tongues are filled with a lot of unhealthy complaining. This is the same crowd that demands and commands blessings to come down from heaven – as if the Lord owes them! They just cannot appreciate that the good Lord has done enough for us in the way of the ultimate Sacrifice for our sins. How about the breath of clean air every morning, the warm winter sunshine, and a whole lot of fresh benefits that come our way? It’s all given free of charge! An unthankful heart is but a disappointment on the part of those who call on the Name of the Lord.

Low regard for others
There is a name for this one, it’s called selfishness. A quick peep towards the world again would reveal that everyone is looking out only for that which benefits them. This is a stark contrast to what our Savior did when He unselfishly gave Himself for our redemption. Therefore, true humility is when you go a long way in looking after the well-being of a fellow human being. Just where can we find such individuals nowadays?

There is a way of learning by looking at the lives of other people. This I recommend, however, there is another sinful attitude of comparing your life to that of others so as to elevate yourself. Such an earthy spirit is easily bothered by the success and good gifts of others only to rejoice when those people fail or fall into sin. The Almighty has given each individual a different measure of grace according to His will and purpose. Therefore, my question would be what do you have that you have not received and if you have received it, would it not be better to glorify the Lord in peace and boast only in what Christ has done?
Brethren, let us consider today’s matter and prayerful work on ourselves towards godliness, especially the deep matters of the heart such as pride. Indeed we all fall short in this area. The straight road to the city of humility is a constant reminder that we were all once lost but now we have been found, once blind but now we see, once dead but we have been made alive through Christ Jesus who gave Himself for our sake. Praise His name, praise His Name!

Sinothi Ncube


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