The Crowd Is Always Wrong!

For us who live in countries where our leaders are voted in by the people, we know how powerful the public voice can be. Yet it’s not the case with the Gospel of our salvation.
To go with the way of the crowd is to go the wrong way, let us take this further.

The narrow way and the straight gate
“All religions lead to heaven” could be the regular diet of Oprah Winfrey Show but it’s not the truth of Scripture. What we find are the words “Strive to enter the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able to.” Just imagine how many people profess to be Christians today. Think of the number of churches, Christian organizations and other “faith religions”, yet it’s only a few that will enter while many will be those who try to enter but they will not. The reason for that of course is that there is only one way, and that way is Christ alone. Therefore, unless you come to the saving grace of God through repentance and faith in Him alone, no matter what group you are part of, you are lost.

The danger of comfort in numbers
It was Pastor Mark Denver who once said something like, “ever heard that numbers never lie? Well, in computing perhaps, but when it comes to the Gospel truth, numbers lie every time.” Brethren, please learn that the number of clapping hands, nodding heads, social media likes and shares do not by any means reflect that someone’s ministry stands for truth. In fact, it may be the opposite. Nevertheless, it does seem like human nature itself takes great comfort in being part of large groups. Do you remember that crowd that welcomed our Lord with hosanna singing only for them to scream “crucify Him” a few days later? Who would have believed that only 2 out of 10 spies from Jericho were right while the rest were dead wrong? (Num 13:30-33). What could convince the citizens of Samaria that it was only Elijah the true prophet while four hundred and fifty were nothing but Baal deceivers? (1 Kin 18:22). By the way, who led the great king Ahab to his death? Similarly, it was a large sum of prophets who gave him a false promise of success instead of rebuking him for his sins (2 Chr 18:4-11). As we look around today, don’t we have a thousand “success” prophets against just a few who stand for truth?

“If you want to truly live for God…” said an old man, “…then look at the spirit of the crowd around you and go against it.” In simple terms, if you want to serve the Lord without hypocrisy and compromise, then prepare to be in the minority. We can say the same about ministry; if you want your ministry to stand for God-glorifying truth, without any desire to please the public opinion, then expect few numbers to join hands with you.

Lovers of darkness other than light
I guess we can all ask ourselves why? I mean why does the majority always seem to be on the wrong end of plain truth and reality? Well, the real truth is that a great number of persons are still in love with their sins – both secret and public. Hence, deep within their hearts, they have no desire to search for truth that leads to godliness, later on, stand it with their ears. If anything, as Apostle Paul wrote, they are in search of a great number of teachers that will itch their fleshly desires by motivational skits and false promises of easy blessings; no repentance, no self-denial, no suffering for Christ, no sacrificial love, nothing!

The discouragement of the minority
I guess on the positive side, there is some level of comfort and confidence that comes with numbers behind you. Therefore, I do admit that it is discouraging for all of us when we always find ourselves isolated in this Christian walk and ministry. Once in a while we even re-examine ourselves, thinking perhaps there is something we are not doing right. However, just as the good Apostle found comfort in the Lord even when his dearest friends could not stand with him in trial, so must we (2 Tim 4:16-18). Historically, true Christianity has always been unpopular, yet it has been advancing against all these odds. Hypocrites, liars and evil impostors are growing from bad to worse, but as for you, look at your faith and choose truth, integrity, love and self-control. If nobody else stands with you, so be it, the Lord will stand by you until you finish this race. Amen. 

Sinothi Ncube


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