Died for Sin, Died In Sin, Died Forgiven of Sin!
In the year AD33, on the outskirt of Jerusalem, the capital city of the Roman province of Judea, gathered a large group to witness three men hanging on three crosses. Death by crucifixion had become the Roman judicial system for sentencing all kinds of criminals and rebels. Let us take our cameras to the scene and investigate each story of these men closely.
Died for sin
The Man on the middle Cross – we are told – was the reason why there was such a large gathering for the first time in all history, to witness such a horrific event. However, those who knew this Man closely allege that He was innocent. According to them, this Man was the very Son of God Most High who was there by divine appointment; to die on behalf of the other men. The story goes that the King of the universe was so grieved by the condition of humanity, that the whole world was guilty of offending the Holy One and awaiting a just condemnation in the fiery furnace. Believe it or not; this King was also loving, patient and kind – not desiring any to perish, such that He came down Himself and took the nature of a human servant. It is there on that Cross that we are told He paid for all the evils of all of mankind – all of them including the evils of these other men that He was crucified with. We are told that anyone who therefore repents of their evils and trust upon this Man on the middle Cross would be freely pardoned and granted and a safe passage to the eternal home of the King of the universe.
Died in sin
Now let us turn our attention to the second of these three men. Eyewitnesses say this man was present when his former prison mate, Mr. Barabbas was freed without trial while the middle Man took his place. However, what troubled his conscience was that this Nazareth guy seemed to be so calm regardless of what was being done to Him, even more, he overheard him pray for the forgiveness of those who were scorning him. Who was this man? Could this be the Messiah who was promised to Israel? If so why couldn’t He come down from the cross and save them, he thought to himself. After observing everything he decided he wasn’t ready to give up his sins and follow any Messiah even If He appeared as an angel – even though he had a few minutes left to live. In fact, it infuriated him that this middle Man right next to him seemed to have everyone’s attention while the two of them were being ignored. His last words were an insult to the very and only Redeemer who could save Him. He died in his sins.
Died forgiven of Sin
As the whole crowd was hurling insults against this Jesus of Nazareth, our observers report that the 3rd man who was also condemned to crucifixion said nothing but hanged there, quietly observing everything that was happening. Perhaps he was thinking about his own soul
–"> now that death was upon him. What baffled bystanders was the last words that he was heard whispering to the Man in the middle, “Lord remember me in your kingdom.” What the rest of us are still asking ourselves today is: how did he know that Jesus was the Lord – a Lord who had a Kingdom that he wanted to be part of? After all, they were condemned together. Even more, how did he expect to enter that kingdom when knew that he was a famous thief that deserved the lowest of hell? Well, we who are familiar with the Gospel message know that this man was – like all of us – a sinner who somehow heard the Word about this Jesus the Redeemer and instantly believed it – unto salvation. Even though He had no evidence of anything, He simply believed that Jesus Christ was the King whose mission was to die for the forgiveness of all sinners no matter what they had done. Notice that this man was not saved by his own good works, baptism or being a member of a Church – he simply admitted that he deserved punishment (repentance) and cried for Jesus’ Kingdom (faith in Christ). This is the perfect definition of the word “grace”. “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” is the precious promise of the Good News, yes even the Lord of redemption Himself confirmed this by giving this man an automatic pass from death to life to paradise! He died forgiven of all his sins. ***************
Friends, this story is just a miniature version of what we find in Luke 23:32-43. The main thing that is to impress upon your heart is that death will come for all of us, therefore, as me and you are guilty of sinning against the Holy One, we rightly deserve the eternal punishment in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. However, there is Great News that reminds us of the One who took upon Himself to carry our iniquities in His own body and paid for them – in full. In that message, we are warned that it is foolishness and outright suicide for any of us to ignore and neglect this Good News; as if you are able to save yourself. All men everywhere are now commanded to repent of their sins and believe in this Jesus of Nazareth (Act 17:30-31). No one will enter heaven by their own good conduct, baptism, or church attendance. Salvation is a free gift, through faith In Christ's work alone! Have you believed in Christ or are you still believing in yourself and your efforts?
The way to be accepted by God is not through your prophet, mother Mary or dead ancestors; it’s Christ. Whatever you do, do not die with unforgiven sin. Flee from wrath and fly to Him who died to have all your iniquities washed away.
He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him - John 3:36
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