Tips About Worship

What is worship? Worship (according to John MacArthur) is simply any deed, word or thought that honours God – from a heart of the one who knows Him and loves Him. This, therefore, means that worship is not limited to music, as many have been made to believe. Regardless, this writing aims to deal with the music aspect of worship, particularly those who are called to the worship leadership in the context of a local church gathering. This is a time when the Saints are led by a few select individuals to set their hearts and minds to who God is and what He has done – through singing. Worship is serious I suppose the Old Testament contains enough examples of many well-meaning folks who lost their lives because of careless worship – God killed them! Before you ever stand in the presence of worship know this: God is serious; a time to worship Him is not a time to showcase yourself, but a time to correctly and humbly join other believers to honour the Almighty. Such a high responsibility calls ...