
Showing posts from April, 2022

Tips About Worship

What is worship? Worship (according to John MacArthur) is simply any deed, word or thought that honours God – from a heart of the one who knows Him and loves Him. This, therefore, means that worship is not limited to music, as many have been made to believe. Regardless, this writing aims to deal with the music aspect of worship, particularly those who are called to the worship leadership in the context of a local church gathering. This is a time when the Saints are led by a few select individuals to set their hearts and minds to who God is and what He has done – through singing. Worship is serious I suppose the Old Testament contains enough examples of many well-meaning folks who lost their lives because of careless worship – God killed them! Before you ever stand in the presence of worship know this: God is serious; a time to worship Him is not a time to showcase yourself, but a time to correctly and humbly join other believers to honour the Almighty. Such a high responsibility calls ...

The Reality of the Prosperity Gospel

The success Gospel is that famous message that we are all familiar with, which basically says Jesus died to give you a breakthrough in the form of cars, jobs and a whole lot of worldly materials a.k.a prosperous life. This is still by far the face of Christianity in our beloved African Church. My concern though; is to the true sheep of Christ who have believed this false idea unwillingly, but because they have been led into it mainly because it’s what their trusted leaders have been teaching throughout their church lives . Below are the main points that are fundamental to the Prosperity Gospel theology, followed by the real truth behind them. I do appeal to my readers to read this prayerfully, humbly, carefully and above all, scripturally. God wants Christians to be rich with money, Jesus died to give abundant life. The reality is that God wants all men to be saved, Jesus died to save sinners. The abundant life Jesus promised to give was actually eternal life – not money (John 3:16-17...

Died for Sin, Died In Sin, Died Forgiven of Sin!

In the year AD33, on the outskirt of Jerusalem, the capital city of the Roman province of Judea, gathered a large group to witness three men hanging on three crosses. Death by crucifixion had become the Roman judicial system for sentencing all kinds of criminals and rebels. Let us take our cameras to the scene and investigate each story of these men closely. Died for sin The Man on the middle Cross – we are told – was the reason why there was such a large gathering for the first time in all history, to witness such a horrific event. However, those who knew this Man closely allege that He was innocent. According to them, this Man was the very Son of God Most High who was there by divine appointment; to die on behalf of the other men . The story goes that the King of the universe was so grieved by the condition of humanity, that the whole world was guilty of offending the Holy One and awaiting a just condemnation in the fiery furnace.  Believe it or not; this King was also loving, pa...

The Crowd Is Always Wrong!

For us who live in countries where our leaders are voted in by the people, we know how powerful the public voice can be. Yet it’s not the case with the Gospel of our salvation. To go with the way of the crowd is to go the wrong way, let us take this further. The narrow way and the straight gate “All religions lead to heaven” could be the regular diet of Oprah Winfrey Show but it’s not the truth of Scripture. What we find are the words “Strive to enter the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able to.” Just imagine how many people profess to be Christians today. Think of the number of churches, Christian organizations and other “faith religions”, yet it’s only a few that will enter while many will be those who try to enter but they will not. The reason for that of course is that there is only one way, and that way is Christ alone. Therefore, unless you come to the saving grace of God through repentance and faith in Him alone, no matter what group you are...

Believers Are Responsible Citizens

For we are a sweet aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing - 2 Corinthians 2:15  'Sweet aroma' is definitely sweet-sounding words that – according to the Text above – describes the positive influence of every believer in whatever environment that the good Lord stations him/her. After we have gone past the false idea that the Christian life is sinless perfection, we go on to acknowledge that true Christianity has or must prove its truthfulness by the good effect it has on the world around it. This is why our Savior branded His followers as “the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth” or as our verse above highlights, “the sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.”  The fruit of the Spirit I am very much amazed that when it comes to the modern Church’s discussion about the Holy Spirit and His ministry in filling every believer, it’s always about the gifts of the Spirit, partic...