
Showing posts from February, 2022

What About The 10 Commandments?

Nothing shaped my religious childhood more than the Catholic Church, all thanks to my devout catholic mother. As far as I remember, that was the only time I learnt something about the Ten Commandments – never again! Until today, the question still remains: why has Christianity at large been so silent about such a thing as important as the Law of the holy God? Let me go on to say – with shame – that it is still hard for me to memorise all those commandments by head. Can someone please, clearly explain why was that law even given to us? There are those who would say that the commandments were given so that by keeping them we may enter heaven after we die. On the flip side are those who confidently suggest, “We don’t need the 10 commandments because we live by grace not by law”. Which one of these two camps has the truth? Answer: both wrong! Let us learn. The first question we need to ask and answer is why did God give us the 10 commandments in the first place, what was His reason? To te...

Don't Make The Mistake...

What is a mistake? It is, according to the dictionary an error that results from misjudgment, lack of knowledge or overall carelessness . The good part about mistakes is that often times we are given second chances to correct ourselves. However, there are some mistakes that are so serious and so costly such that there is no second chances and corrections. Looking at your life, what are some of those mistakes that you are by no means not supposed to make? Let me help you. ...of hoping there is no God The way we naturally love our sins, I suppose we would all rejoice if we were told that after all, there is no God. That would give us a good excuse to live as we please without any fear of a God who would send us to hell. However, don’t you ever entertain that thought in your mind because there is a God in heaven. As Paul reminds us that creation itself is proof enough to everyone that there is a Creator. If anything, a building is evidence enough that there is a builder, is it not? Theref...

The Hypocrisy of the Covid Protocols

Evangel Africa is proud to be a (Christian) voice to the people about all the relevant and concerning issues of our time – masks and vaccines included.  First of all, I think it would be proper to begin by extending some words of comfort to all the families who have lost loved ones through this pandemic. Secondly, I would like to confess that many times I was burdened by this but it was just hard to put it in words. Certainly, I am not the only one who has seen this ugly side of the world around us ever since Covid19 hit the earth’s surface, without an idea of how to handle it. This was partly due to the fact that we are actually no longer allowed to say anything these days – there is no free speech anymore. Not even a little space for disagreement with those in authority. Many brothers are those who have been removed from social media while some found themselves behind bars for “misleading information about Covid”...oh really? It is hard for my mind to process how a vaccine that w...

Saved From What?

The word salvation is no doubt a famous word in the Christian Faith, but I am sure that there are many who (like me) have never stopped to ponder as to what really are we saved from. The modern church has in my opinion lost the true reason of salvation. People are now told to come to Jesus and they would have happy lives, get new jobs, worldly success, marriages and overcome sicknesses. While it is a good thing that people get all these things, it was never the reason and purpose of salvation. Why? Because you can still get these things from the world using worldly means without ever coming to church , can you not? Don’t we have many healthy, successful, happily married individuals who have never heard about Jesus – Including anti-christian people like Muslims and Atheists? The issue about being saved therefore is about something more than bodily enhancement. But, what is it? What are we saved from?  To get the answer we must ask ourselves again, what is the number one problem tro...