What About The 10 Commandments?

Nothing shaped my religious childhood more than the Catholic Church, all thanks to my devout catholic mother. As far as I remember, that was the only time I learnt something about the Ten Commandments – never again! Until today, the question still remains: why has Christianity at large been so silent about such a thing as important as the Law of the holy God? Let me go on to say – with shame – that it is still hard for me to memorise all those commandments by head. Can someone please, clearly explain why was that law even given to us? There are those who would say that the commandments were given so that by keeping them we may enter heaven after we die. On the flip side are those who confidently suggest, “We don’t need the 10 commandments because we live by grace not by law”. Which one of these two camps has the truth? Answer: both wrong! Let us learn. The first question we need to ask and answer is why did God give us the 10 commandments in the first place, what was His reason? To te...