A Treasure In Jars of Clay
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us - 2 Corinthians 4:7
A treasure is an extremely valuable item; something very precious and costly. Something the men of old would go down the deepest of dungeons to search for; losing their lives in the process. On the opposite side, we have something as lowly, ordinary and ugly as a jay of clay. Even more unlikely is the idea that treasure can be stored inside clay: God forbid! Costly material must be locked away and heavily guarded with dear life. Yet this is what Paul seemed to be suggesting in our passage above. Just what is he getting into?
Paul is rightly using the treasure analogy to remind us about the beauty of the Gospel. English being my second language I just cannot think of the right words that correctly define the wonder of this Good News. Perhaps amazing and marvelous might do half the job. We are talking about something that cost the life of the Son of God. The very thing that has been effective in bringing salvation to multitudes of souls without a number. Surely a million bags of gold are nothing but empty wind compared to this great Gospel. It is indeed a treasure that is above all worth.
Now try to imagine this: this great Gospel message has been entrusted to be proclaimed by mere mortals like us. Who are we but a product of the dust!? Men and women of little importance in the eyes of the world; weak, downcast and ordinary. Yet this great God is able to take dirt and turn it into clay. Then He takes that same clay and turns it into a useful vessel – a vessel to carry treasure!
The lesson in all this is this; let us never lose sight of the glory and beauty of the Gospel. At the same time, we must be willing to give ourselves to be used for the sake of this Pearl. Yes, all of us are still in the process of learning and growing. Certainly, we are still marred by all kinds of mistakes and imperfections – on top of the daily troubles of life. This means that we know within ourselves that we are unworthy. Regardless, the good Lord is still calling us to be the voice of this glorious message. His Spirit overrules our weaknesses and gives us wisdom, determination and boldness.
Dear friend, you don’t have to wait until you are perfectly holy. You don’t even have to wait for old age and certainly, you don’t have to know the whole Bible by head to be used for the glory of Christ. I mean today is the day to give yourself to service because tomorrow may never come. Behold! The sun is setting and death is approaching. Let us work while it is day because the night is coming when no one can work.
In all this, we must never forget that it’s not by our power, intelligence or any cleverness in us whatsoever. Be sure to repent of that prideful mindset the moment it raises its head inside your heart. Here is breaking news; there are no great men of God, but only pitiful men who are kept by the gracious hand of a great God. It’s all dependent upon Him. Indeed, we are nothing but those clay jars that carry treasure.
Sinothi Ncube
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