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Trousers; Are They Okay For Our Christian Ladies?

As your servants in the Lord, our duty is to serve you with the right knowledge of our Saviour; handling even the most difficult of issues so that we all come to maturity in our Christian walk. What then can we say about trousers for Christian women?
There has been so much debate about this issue; are they wrong for wearing them or what? Is there a verse that can solve this problem once and for all? 

Away from Legalism 
Legalism is simply a strict belief system that seeks to attain righteousness (salvation) by outward performance or keeping the law. It’s a strict observance of human or religious rules so as to please God. Many times we have heard some well-meaning brethren say, “If you wear trousers as a woman you will go to hell”. As if wearing skirts is the way to heaven. As a result of these legalistic teachings, many are they who do not trust solely in Christ for their salvation but are trusting and dependent on their deeds and outward performances. Here is a quick reminder; salvation is by faith in Christ alone – not by your works. Therefore, you will not go to hell because of what you died wearing but because you would not believe or trust in Christ – do you get it? Once we become believers in Christ, then we make it our aim to please our Saviour. Hence the difference between legalism and Christian living is that a legalist strives to follow religious rules so as to avoid hell, while a true believer seeks to please Christ in behavior because it’s Him who gives us eternal life through His work on the Cross. Coming back to our issue of dressing, we must ask ourselves, how then does our Saviour expect us to dress as His dear chosen generation that shines like stars in the eyes of the world?

A glimpse at the law of Moses
In Deuteronomy 22:5 it says that a woman must not wear man's clothing in the same way a man was not supposed to clothe himself with ladish apparel. We have many beloved Bible teachers who appeal to this verse as a foundation of their "no trousers for women" theology. But they miss the fact that the men of Israel during that time did not wear trousers but garments that were a little different from women's garments; there were no trousers at all. Even today in many countries in the Middle East, men do wear garments as part of their culture. Furthermore, let us keep it in mind that we, New Covenant believers are not under the law but under grace. We call that freedom in Christ. The next question awaits; does freedom in Christ then allow for immorality? Certainly not, but who says it's immorality to wear a trouser as a woman?

Enough questions and quizzes, let us consult our beloved New Testament and learn what it says about this issue; 

1 Timothy 2:9-10 Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.

Here, Paul is not against expensive hair braids and earrings but that as a believing woman, you must not use these braids and earrings as the center of attraction to your body – that is what the prostitutes of that time used to do; they dressed for sexual attraction. We see the same attitude in the world today where our young girls cheapen themselves by dressing in a way that says, “I am available for sex”. That is what our beloved Apostle is crying against.

Notice two key words for Christian women dressing; modesty and proper. Those words simply mean that you dress in a way that is respectful to yourself and to those around you; something that reflects godliness in you. My favorite preacher put it this way: if your clothing (skirt or trousers) brings attention to your body, then it’s wrong and God hates it, but if what you wear brings attention to your face, the image of your Creator, then it’s proper for a Christian woman.

Therefore, instead of giving each other legalist rules about trousers, each Christian must judge for herself what is proper and modest – what I am wearing, skirt or trouser, is it proper and respectable? Will it please my Saviour If I wear this in front of visitors, at a funeral, or even in the holy of holies before Him? If you feel like trousers are not proper and modest for you as a Christian lady, then don’t wear them. However, if you have confidence that with your trouser you can even attend a prayer session then it means there is something proper and modest about it – It’s all that simple! 

Conscience is a God-given ability or inner voice that enables us to notice when we are doing something wrong; it governs our hearts to choose between right and wrong. Therefore, some believers because of the way they were raised – It is improper for them to wear trousers, their conscience screams against that. Therefore each of us must judge what is right for us based on whether our consciences approve it or not (Rom 14:5). It is not good to do something when deep inside there is something telling you that what you are doing is wrong. If your conscience is clean and it permits you to trouser up – go for it, my girl. However, if your own heart condemns a trouser version of yourself – then it’s wrong. Do not let anyone pressure you into something that you are not comfortable with.

Consideration for others
Using food as an example, Apostle Paul taught us that some things we must not do as believers – not because they are wrong in themselves but because of fellow believers who might be weak enough to be offended in their faith by what they see us do (1 Cor 8:9). One example is the fact that Scripture does not forbid believers from drinking beer because wine was a staple drink in the Bible – as long as you don’t get drunk, however, most believers and even the society at large view alcohol as an extremely evil thing. Hence it is very offensive to the faith of fellow Christians if you, as a professing Christian were caught even trying to taste the magic waters. In the same vein, tucking in your pair of trouser jeans on a cold afternoon might be the best thing to do, but what if there are believers in your fellowship that believe trousers to be immoral for Christian ladies? Would you ignore them and let their faith be affected by your dressing? Certainly not, for their sake it is wise to keep things simple, as you pray that one day they will grow and come to your level of maturity. It’s all because as believers we are looking to be examples in leading others to Christ, not destroying their faith. This is what Paul meant when he said, “To Jews, I became like a Jew so I could win the Jews” – going the extra mile to win the next person to Christ and nature them to growth.

Beware of new fashions
Again remember that our Christian rule is that we are free to wear anything that is proper and modest; skirt or trousers. Beware then of wearing something improper for a Christian woman just because it’s a new fashion thing that is loved by everybody. Fashion styles come and go, but your Christian faith must always stay with you no matter what. Permit me to point out one more bad habit from our fellow Christian ladies; wearing modest and proper clothing only on Sunday when we are going to church, then when we are invited to some birthday party we dress for the sexual appeal – just like the prostitutes of Paul’s day. No, friends; Christianity is something that you are, not something that you wear on Sunday then you are completely something else on Tuesday. Your modesty and Christian behavior must be evident where ever you are; in church, at work, anywhere! With that, I take my seat.

Sinothi Ncube


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