Calvinism Part 3/ What About Our Freewill?

Previously we dealt with the idea of predestination/election, and I hope I emphasized with enough Bible evidence that those who claim God does not predestine and elect us unto salvation have either never read their Bibles or are deliberately being dishonest. In light of that, let us now go on and deal with the concept of our human freewill. How is it possible that God can elect who will be saved without violating your individual will to choose him? As somebody who studies Scripture without bias, I can confirm to you without fear that Scripture teaches that we have free will to either reject or accept the call to salvation. Fortunately, I do not use that fact to discredit or to deny another Biblical truth of predestination. Yes, the good Lord has predestined who will be saved, yet at the same time Jesus died for all men and calls all men everywhere to freely make the decision of repentance and faith. Those two doctrines are both Biblical and true and I have no problem with it . I ...