
Showing posts from January, 2025

What is Calvinism? Let’s Fully Explain It…

I bet most of us have heard about something called Calvinism. In fact, the people who are responsible for making this term famous are the critics of it. They are the ones on the campaign of telling all of us that “Calvinism is a cruel false doctrine that misrepresents the character of God.” Allow me, therefore, to give you a brief, yet clear explanation of it. What I don’t want is for you to agree with those who criticise Calvinism while you have no idea of what it is . Instead, I want all of us to have knowledge of the entire teaching, so that you will decide on your own whether this Calvinism thing is biblical or not. John Calvin was the Pastor of St Pierre Cathedral Church in Geneva, Switzerland. He was originally from France and is the pioneer behind the Protestant Reformation, after Martin Luther. Calvin’s doctrine is summarized in his book the Institutes of the Christian Religion, from which he is credited with what is known as the TULIP, which is a five set of doctrines about sa...

Those Who See Visions, Gather Here, I Have Serious Questions

Come to the front if you sincerely believe that you have seen a vision, or an angel or an encounter with Jesus, or any other extraordinary spiritual experience. Some of us are just common Christians, we have not seen any of those things. We don’t know how it feels like to have a tour of heaven with angel Michael while still on earth.  Therefore, we always have questions about such encounters. If you happen to be one of those lucky Christians, and you don’t mind, please enlighten us and give us answers to these questions: How do we know it’s true? We are definitely not denying that the Lord Jesus Himself appeared in your bedroom, the problem is that we have no way of verifying it . For a start, you were alone when this happened; there are no other witnesses besides you, how then do we know that this encounter really happened? Do you have any other evidence of this event beside what you tell us? Therefore, we will always be suspicious of your visions and encounters. We don’t’ trust t...

Only Passionate About Two Things!

I believe we must all be human enough to have something that defines our existence and purpose on earth. This is what I call passion. Which, according to the English language, is a strong, powerful emotion towards something. What you are passionate about is what you spent much of your life thinking about; what you are prepared to waste your energy and resources on. Such things even have the ability to influence your decision making. Some are passionate about their sports teams; their emotions are so affected by how that team plays. Others, are passionate about politics, others music and so on. On the same thought, since I am equally a human like everyone else, I have my passions. The things that I will go down to the grave either satisfied about or deeply troubled for its sake. In fact, that one passion can be divided into two categories. These are…           1.) Getting the Gospel right - Believe it or not, I am a victim of deception. I spent a big eight years...