What is Calvinism? Let’s Fully Explain It…

I bet most of us have heard about something called Calvinism. In fact, the people who are responsible for making this term famous are the critics of it. They are the ones on the campaign of telling all of us that “Calvinism is a cruel false doctrine that misrepresents the character of God.” Allow me, therefore, to give you a brief, yet clear explanation of it. What I don’t want is for you to agree with those who criticise Calvinism while you have no idea of what it is . Instead, I want all of us to have knowledge of the entire teaching, so that you will decide on your own whether this Calvinism thing is biblical or not. John Calvin was the Pastor of St Pierre Cathedral Church in Geneva, Switzerland. He was originally from France and is the pioneer behind the Protestant Reformation, after Martin Luther. Calvin’s doctrine is summarized in his book the Institutes of the Christian Religion, from which he is credited with what is known as the TULIP, which is a five set of doctrines about sa...