Awakening Dead Consciences!

Your conscience is the part of you that judges your own actions and makes you feel guilty about the bad things you have done. It is the police officer of your own heart. All our consciences are similar in that they are born knowing the difference between right and wrong, however, factors such as culture, parental upbringing, or religious exposure can shape our consciences differently. Which means what your heart condemns as wrong may be just fine with me. Scripture says we can also quieten or suppress our consciences so that it is not able to alarm us when we do wrong. Just like a man who shot his dog for barking noise because it disturbed his sleep. That is what is called a “dead conscience.” Scripture defines the state of unbelievers as such: suppressing the truth because they have pleasure in righteousness ( Rom 1:18 ). That means, their hearts are no longer bothered by any thought of God; his holiness, and His coming judgment. To them, life is all about “doing what is right in...